
Spanish group DIA joins the new generation Horizon International purchasing platform

The new generation Horizon International purchasing platform, formed in June this year by Auchan Retail, Casino Group and METRO, has a new member from 30 August: international group DIA. This addition underpins Horizon International’s outward-looking ambitions, reinforces its international dimension and makes it a top tier international alliance.

A platform with a clear international dimension

Horizon International brings together players that share a new vision of international cooperation with suppliers, by offering, for instance, international services for major international suppliers, drawing on their complementary geographic locations, or by assisting SMEs in their international development. The multi-level trade alliance is comprising activities of different retail formats as well as wholesale activities including delivery operations.

A platform with an outward-looking ambition

DIA’s arrival will give Horizon International added clout, diversity and international presence. DIA will also bring its hard discount expertise, its strong market positions, particularly in Spain, Portugal and South America, and its purchasing capacity for 7.400 sales outlets. Leading Horizon International to be one of the top tier international alliances with the largest geographical footprint: suppliers and customers in more than 40 countries across Europe, Asia and South America will benefit from the extended cooperation.