
International Women’s Day: Casino supports the HeForShe movement and reaffirms its commitments

A pledge to UN Women

In 2016, the Casino Group and UN Women France signed a partnership whereby Casino undertook to support and implement the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles, which are now driving the Group’s initiatives to combat discrimination and promote gender equality in the workplace in France and Latin America.
Casino supports and informs its employees and customers about UN Women campaigns, such as Orange Day, a national campaign to end violence against women, and on this 8 th of March, HeForShe, an international solidarity movement led by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson to strengthen women’s rights to make them universal human rights.

Supporting parenthood

The Group is leading a variety of initiatives to improve work-life balance, with systems introduced in such areas as parental leave, procedures to follow during pregnancy or the birth of a child, and childcare arrangements.
An assertive commitment to equal pay since 2008 through procedures in place for the annual pay round in France, including surveys, analyses and the elimination of wage disparities. To combat routine sexism in the workplace, the Group has issued a dedicated guide, entitled “Equality between Men and Women: Fighting Everyday Sexism”. In this way, it hopes to nurture an environment where employee relationships are based on mutual respect and a sense of shared community.

Career development with C’avec Elles

C’avec Elles is an advocacy network open to women managers employed by Casino France, Franprix, Leaderprice, Cdiscount, Monoprix and Banque Casino. The self-sustaining network, which operates independently in its discussions and initiatives, now has more than 700 members, all actively committed to advancing the careers of women managers, combating stereotypes and acting as a source of expert recommendations for the Group.