Providing balanced food to all can only be done by saving and preserving existing resources: water, energy, packaging, products… Reduction of the impact of activities on resources is a priority for Casino Group.

Casino group supports…
The “National Pact against food waste”, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2013.
The “Pact on Consumption Dates” created by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition in 2019.
The “National Pact on plastic packaging”, created by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition in 2019, following the roadmap for a Circular Economy.
Casino group is committed to...
Continuing its efforts to sort all plastic, cardboard, organic waste in every store.
Continuing its efforts to recycle all unsold products.
in france...
Developing access to products sold in bulk.
Stop using PVC in household packaging by 2022, and taking measures to eliminate other plastic packaging with may be problematic or useless by 2025 starting with EPS.
Eco-designing packaging to make it reusable and 100% recyclable by 2025.
Integrating on average 30% of recycled plastic materials in packaging by sharing publicly the target rate and its progress by 2025.
5 lines of actions

Sorting and valuing waste
Stores and warehouses sort their waste, mostly cardboards, plastics and organic waste.
Points for collection of used products so as to recycle them (batteries, light bulbs, small household appliances) are made available to customers.
In 2023, the Group sorted more than 159 000 tons of waste (cardboard, paper, plastic, organic waste, glass, wood, scrap metal, etc.).
Franprix and Monoprix are rolling out machines which enable customers to bring back their bottles and obtaining a voucher or donating money to an association.
Using sustainable packaging
Casino Group is boosting its packaging policy to fulfil the reduction stakes and improve their recyclability while guaranteeing the sanitary quality of its products.
Casino Group uses the 5R method to identify eco-designing actions for packaging to be implemented by applying 5 essential rules for the development of packaging for new products or to optimise existing packaging: “Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot” is applied to all own-brand products.
One of the Group’s priority objectives is the phasing out of sorting disruptive products that can generate easily avoidable waste (plastic bags, cutlery and single-use plates, catalogues, etc.).

Promoting bulk selling
The banners are increasingly developing the sale of products in bulk : dried fruits and vegetables, cereals, pasta, coffee, chocolate, oils, wine, washing products, etc.
These new concepts enable both customers to buy just the right amount (thus avoiding waste) and also to use recyclable or reusable packaging.
Bulk consumption allows customers to buy the desired quantity of product, thus limiting the use of packaging and food waste.

In 2022, stores and warehouses of Casino Group have donated nearly 31 000 tons of food stuffs in order to avoid food waste.
Reducing food waste
To reduce the quantity of unsold products and food waste the supply as well as the storage of stores are overseen with precision in order to manage customers’ demands in the best possible way.
Special schemes for « fresh damaged products » on products with a short use-by-date have been implemented and widely-spread in order to sell them before the use-by-date at reduced prices. In line with this, partnerships have also been put in place with start-ups such as Too Good To Go and Phenix.
Stores give donations to food banks (or other charities) as regards products which cannot be sold but can still be consumed.

Saving water
To reduce the use of water, banners are implementing, different solutions depending on their location: rainwater recovery systems, pressure reducers on taps to reduce the flow, phasing out of open cooling circuits using water with closed circuits.