First-quarter 2022 saw a return to growth in Group net sales, with a sequential improvement in France as well as in Brazil and Colombia.
Group net sales of €7.5bn, up +3.2% on a same-store basis (-0.4% in Q4 2021), and up +4.7% on a total basis (-0.1% in Q4 2021).
- France Retail saw a sequential improvement compared to Q4, with net sales at -1.6% on a same-store basis (-3.0% in Q4 2021) and -1.1% on a total basis (-2.4% in Q4 2021). Positive growth on a same- store basis over the last four weeks (+2.0%).
- Latin America delivered net sales growth of +9.7% on a same-store basis and of +13.2% on a total basis, with excellent performances from both Grupo Éxito and Assaí.
In France, strong improvement in net cash-flows in Q1 (+€570m compared to Q1 2021).
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