
29 June 2011

Casino strengthens its integration in Hispanic Latin America

Disposal of its stakes in Disco and Devoto to Exito for € 520 million
Share offering of Exito to finance the acquisition and accelerate expansion plans in Colombia and across the region

Exito announced yesterday the signing of a share purchase agreement regarding the acquisition of Casino’ majority stakes in Disco and Devoto for a total consideration of US$ 746 million (€ 520 million). Exito also announced its intention to launch a share offering in Colombia of up to US$ 1.4 billion.
These two transactions demonstrate the Group’s strategic ambitions in Hispanic Latin America, one of the key growth areas.

Creating an integrated platform for growth in Hispanic Latin America
The acquisition of Casino’ majority stakes in its Uruguayan subsidiaries Disco and Devoto will be a major step towards the internationalization of Exito.
With consolidated sales of US$ 770 million expected in 2011, Disco and Devoto operate 53 stores in Uruguay, including 1 Géant hypermarket, 28 Disco and 24 Devoto supermarkets for a total sales area of 73,900 sqm. The two banners are leaders in the modern food distribution market in Uruguay with a market share twice larger than the next competitor.
With this acquisition, Exito will become a regional player enjoying strong leadership positions in two of the most stable and promising markets in South America.

Developing value enhancing opportunities for both Exito and Casino shareholders The combination of Exito with Disco and Devoto will strengthen the integration of two companies operating in countries with strong linguistic and cultural similarities. It will allow the generation of synergies, which have not been possible so long as the companies were operated separately.
In particular, the transaction will enable Disco and Devoto to benefit from Exito’s expertise in the implementation of new distribution formats as well as in the development of non-food sales.
The transaction is expected to have a positive impact on Exito’s earning per share as of the first year and to be neutral on Casino’s EPS.

Providing additional financing to foster growth
In order to finance its expansion plan, including the acquisition of Casino’ stake in Disco and Devoto, Exito intends to issue new shares in Colombia for a total consideration of up to US$ 1.4 billion. Casino, which holds 54.8% of Exito, intends to subscribe to the capital increase pro rata to its current ownership, therefore maintaining control over Exito.
The share issuance will strengthen Exito’s already solid financial structure whilst providing the company with additional financial resources to accelerate its expansion in the Colombian market and other Hispanic Latin American countries where Exito’s management has already identified a number of development opportunities. It will also enable Casino to pursue the reduction of its indebtedness.

The execution of the transaction and the share placement are subject to the approval of Exito’s shareholders during a general shareholders meeting which is convened for 6th of July 2011.
The acquisition is expected to close in the second half of 2011 following the completion of customary conditions precedent and the placement of Exito shares.

Saint-Etienne – 30 June 2011

Investor Relations

Régine Gaggioli : / +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
Aline Nguyen : /+33 (0)1 53 65 64 85

28 June 2011

Financial transaction released by Carrefour involving CBD : Casino Group Press Release

Casino discovered the financial transaction released by Carrefour, involving CBD, the Brazilian company in which it is the largest shareholder and that it co-controls with Abilio Diniz. Casino has acquired in 2005 from Abilio Diniz and his family the right to become the sole controlling shareholder in 2012.

Contrary to the terms of the press release, it is not a spontaneous proposal from Gama, a financial investment vehicle, but a long-standing illegal planned financial transaction between Carrefour and Abilio Diniz.

This announcement confirms that illegal and secret negotiations were conducted and are ongoing. Indeed, in consideration of the public agreements Casino signed with Abilio Diniz, no negotiations involving the future of CBD can occur without Casino.

Initially, Casino reminded this obligation to Abilio Diniz and to Carrefour. Despite this reminder, they continued these discussions, deliberately ignoring both the law and fundamental business ethics.

This project concerns CBD in the first place, has never been discussed with CBD before being released, which presents an obvious hostile nature.

In the next few days, Casino will examine how to best defend the corporate interests of CBD and its shareholders, which seem threatened by this very complex and financial driven project.

Finally, Casino recalls that it has the authority to oppose this project according to the existing agreements and that no negotiations regarding the future of CBD can be conducted without his consent and without prior discussion of this project at the Board of Directors of Wilkes, the holding company controlling CBD.

Paris, June 28, 2011

Investor Relations

Régine Gaggioli : / +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
Aline Nguyen : /+33 (0)1 53 65 64 85

16 June 2011

Increase in Casino’s holding in Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA)

Casino group announces today that it informed GPA that it increased its holding by 8.6 million preferred shares, which corresponds to 3.3% of GPA share capital. As of today, its total economic holding, including ordinary shares, amounts to 37% of GPA share capital.
This operation shows the Group’s continuing commitment towards GPA and its trust in its Executive team. Casino thus reiterates its intent to strengthen GPA’s long term development as well as the Group’s positions in fast-growing markets.
This acquisition does not change the corporate control of GPA, which continues to be exercised by Wilkes* in line with the provisions contained in both the Wilkes’ Shareholders Agreement, dated as of November 27, 2006, and the GPA’s one, dated as of December 20, 2006.

Saintt-Etienne, 16 June 2011

Casino is a leading food retailer in France and abroad. At 31 December, 2010, it operated a total of 11,663 stores in various retail formats. France accounts for 62% of Group’s revenue and 59% of its trading profit, and international markets, where it operates in 8 countries for 38% of Group’s revenue and 41% of its operating profit.
In 2010, consolidated revenue totaled €29 billion, while net earnings (Group share) totaled €559 million.
Casino is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.

Grupo Pão de Açucar (GPA, historic player in the Brazilian retail market, has a multi-format, multi-banner portfolio. At the end of 2010, GPA operated a total of 1,647 stores, with strong market positions in Brazil’s two most economically vibrant states, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. GPA posted revenue of €13,751 million in 2010. GPA has been proportionately consolidated by Casino since 1 July 2005.
GPA is listed on the São Paulo Stock Exchange and on the New York Stock Exchange.

*Controlling holding of GPA, co-controlled by Casino Group and Diniz Group.

Investor Relations
Régine GAGGIOLI +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
Aline NGUYEN +33 (0)1 53 65 64 85

31 May 2011

Casino Group announced that it has filed a request for arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce against the Diniz Group

Casino has filed on 30 May 2011 a request for arbitration under ICC Rules against the Diniz Group, requesting notably theDiniz group to comply with and perform its obligations under the shareholders’ agreement dated as of 27 November 2006 and relating to their common company Wilkes, the controlling shareholder of the Brazilian company CBD.

Saint-Etienne, le 31 mai 2011

Investor relations

Régine GAGGIOLI / +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17

Aline NGUYEN / +33 (0)1 53 65 64 85

18 May 2011

Successful 10-year bond issue of € 850 million

Casino successfully issued today a new 10-year bond of €850 million.

In this respect, €300 million of the bonds maturing in February 2012 (with a coupon of 6.0%), April 2013 (with a coupon of 6.375%) and April 2014 (with a coupon of 4.875%) were exchanged.
The new €850 million bond issue maturing in 2021 has a 4.726% coupon, equivalent to mid-swap +130bp. Significantly oversubscribed, it also enabled to raise €530 million of new money.

The average maturity of the Group’s bond debt is extended to 4.6 years (vs 3.4 years previously) and its average financing cost optimized.

The deal was led by Citi, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan, Natixis, and RBS acted as joint bookrunners.

Casino Group is rated BBB- stable by Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s

Paris, 18 May 2011
Investor Relations

+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17

+33 (0)1 53 65 64 85

18 May 2011

Casino’s stake in GPA increased to 33.7% following the issuance of new shares in connection with the tax saving generated by the amortization of part of the goodwill related to the acquisition of GPA


On March 31st 2011, GPA’s general shareholders meeting approved the issuance to Casino of 1.4 million new preferred shares at the price of BRL 62.43 per share(1), for a total value of BRL 85 million (EUR 36 million). This issuance was completed in May after the exercise of the pre-emptive rights of GPA’s shareholders. Casino received 626,360 preferred shares and BRL 45 million in cash.

This issuance follows those announced on May 4th 2009 and June 21st 2010 in the context of the agreement signed in May 2005 with Abilio Diniz’ Family. Under the terms of this agreement, in late 2006, Casino contributed to GPA the goodwill arising on its successive investments in the company.

This goodwill amortisation generates tax savings for GPA since 2008 and for an estimated period of 6 years. In exchange for the goodwill contributed, GPA agreed to transfer back to Casino 80% of such tax savings, in the form of newly issued preferred stock. At the end of the goodwill amortisation, Casino’s interest in GPA will reach approximately 34.4%(2) based on the current share price.

Saint-Etienne – May 18th, 2011

(1) Volume weighted average share price over the 15 trading days prior to the date of the General Meeting call notice.
(2) If minority shareholders exercise in the future their pre-emptive subscription rights, GPA will repay in cash that part of Casino’s share of the tax savings, thereby reducing the accretion effect in Casino’s stake in the company.


Investor Relations


+33 (0)1 53 65 64 85
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17

12 April 2011

First-quarter 2011 sales

9 March 2011

Casino Group reaches milestone of 10% disabled workforce and renews its “Handipacte” agreement

In conjunction with the assessment of its 4th “Handipacte” agreement covering the period 2006-2010, Casino announced that it has reached the symbolic milestone of a 10% disabled workforce (compared to a legal obligation of 6%) in the stores covered by the Group agreement.

This is the result of a deliberate policy to promote employment for people with disabilities which the Casino Group and its employees have been pursuing for the last 15 years.

Results that go far beyond commitments

A total of 520 people with disabilities were recruited during this period, exceeding the target (300 people) agreed with the social partners by 173%. With regard to its other commitments, Casino went the extra mile by taking on 418 trainees, compared to a target of 350 over the term of the agreement, thus achieving a 10.07% disabled workforce in the stores covered by the Group agreement.

The Group’s efforts in this area are part of a drive for sustainable employment: 96% of its employees with disabilities are on open-ended contracts.

 A renewed agreement

On 1st January 2011, the Group renewed the “Handipacte” agreement with the social partners for a period of 3 years. The agreement is currently being accredited by DIRECCTE (Regional Directorate for business, competition, consumer affairs, work and employment). It envisages hiring 180 people, taking on 180 trainees and launching innovations focusing on :

  • developing sandwich courses and apprenticeships,
  • implementation of accessibility and digital measures
  • a trial project involving part-financing the adaptation of the personal vehicle of an employee’s spouse or child who is legally disabled.

The Group now intends to build on these achievements with new initiatives to cater for customers with disabilities.

Further information on the Casino Group: Casino Group was awarded the “Diversity Label” in 2009.

To find out more: Press Contact


1 March 2011

2010 full-year results of Casino group