
29 June 2012

Casino and GroupeGaleries Lafayette announce the signing of a letter of intent in relation to Monoprix

In the context of conciliation talks conducted under the authority of the President of the Commercial Court of Paris, on June 28th, 2012, Casino and GroupeGaleries Lafayette, both equal shareholders of Monoprix since 2000, signed a letter of intent concerning the 50% stake held by GroupeGaleries Lafayette in Monoprix.

The two groups aim to reach a settlement agreement with respect to the sale of GroupeGaleries Lafayette’s interest, by October 30th, 2013, for a consideration of 1,175 million euros, indexed from April 1st, 2013. Casino has already committed itself with respect to the terms of a settlement agreement. The acquisition by Casino would be completed after being approved by the French Competition Authority.

Mr Jean-Charles Naouri, Chairman and CEO of Casino, will be appointed as a board member of Monoprix during the General Assembly being held today. Mr Philippe Houzé will remain Chairman and CEO of Monoprix. After the signing of a definitive settlement agreement, a Chairman and CEO for Monoprix proposed by Casino will be appointed.

Monoprix is implementing the information and consultation procedure regarding the contemplated transaction.

Casino and GroupeGaleries Lafayette will, upon completion of the sale of shares, abandon the pending legal proceedings.

Casino and GroupeGaleries Lafayette welcome the signing of this letter of intent which should allow them to put an end to their disagreements. Casino and GroupeGaleries Lafayette congratulate the management and the entire team of Monoprix for the excellent work performed by them, under the chairmanship of Mr Philippe Houzé. The settlement should allow the company to pursue its development under optimal conditions with Groupe Casino.

Press Contacts

Groupe Casino

Thierry Orsoni

+33 (0)

Frédéric Croccel

+33 (0)

Groupe Galeries Lafayette

Laurent Perpère

+33 (0)


Alexandra van Weddingen

+33 (0)

Analyst and Investor Contacts

Groupe Casino


+33 1 53 65 64 17

+33 1 53 65 64 18

Groupe Galeries Lafayette

Laurent Perpère

+33 (0)

Alexandra van Weddingen

+33 (0)

22 June 2012

Casino group becomes the sole controlling shareholder of GPA

The extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Wilkes, which directly controls GPA, held today in Sao Paulo (Brazil), appointed Jean-Charles Naouri, Casino’s Chairman & CEO as Chairman of the Wilkes’ Board of Directors. Through this appointment, the Casino group becomes the sole controlling shareholder of GPA in accordance with the agreements signed in 2005 with the Diniz family.

Furthermore, Mrs. Eleazar de Carvalho Filho, Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves and Roberto Oliveira de Lima were appointed to GPA’s Board of Directors during the company’s ESM also held today in Sao Paulo. As a consequence, eight directors have been nominated by Casino, giving the group the majority vote at the GPA’s Board of Directors.
With the active contribution of Casino since its first investment 13 years ago in the company, GPA has become the undisputed leading distribution group in Brazil and the country’s largest private employer.
Jean-Charles Naouri, Casino group’s Chairman & CEO declared: “I am very happy and proud that the Casino Group is taking this new role in a magnificent company such as GPA. Since we became GPA’s partner in 1999, we have strongly believed in Brazil and in the company and contributed to its success alongside the Diniz family. While maintaining GPA’s strong identity and Brazilian culture, I will, together with the entire Casino group, further support GPA’s management team, led by Eneas Pestana, its CEO, in its objective to strengthen GPA’s leadership and make it an even more beloved and admired company.
Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18
12 June 2012

Casino: success of the payment of 2011 dividend in shares

The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 11 May 2012 decided to pay a dividend, for financial year 2011, of €3 per share. Shareholders had the option of receiving half of this dividend (€1.50) in shares and, consequently, to receive new Company shares. The unit issue price of the new shares was set at €62.82, i.e. 90% of the average opening share price from the twenty trading days leading up to 11 May 2012, less the amount of the dividend.
76.41% of the rights were exercised in favour of the scrip dividend, showing the strong interest from shareholders.
The success of this operation enabled the Company to reinforce its shareholders’ equity by €126.84 million, by creating 2,019,110 new shares, which will be delivered and admitted for trading on Euronext Paris on 15 June 2012.
These new shares will be immediately assimilated with existing shares.
The cash dividend payment totals €205.09 million. It will be paid on 15 June 2012.
Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18
4 June 2012

Casino continues the process of becoming sole controlling shareholder of GPA in Brazil – Casino indicates Messrs. Eleazar de Carvalho Filho, Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves and Roberto Oliveira de Lima to GPA’s Board of Directors

Continuing the previously-agreed process for the rearrangement of corporate control of Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (“GPA”)1, Casino, Guichard-Perrachon (“Casino”) sent a notice today to Mr. Abilio Diniz informing him of the name of the three (3) individuals that shall be elected to the Board of directors of GPA at GPA’s Shareholders Meeting, expected to occur on June 22, 2012.
Mr. Eleazar de Carvalho Filho is a highly skilled executive and is the founding partner of Virtus BR Partners. In the past, he held CEO positions at Unibanco Investment Bank, at the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank – BNDES and at UBS Bank – Brazil. He was a non-executive Chairman of BHP Billiton in Brazil. Mr. Carvalho Filho is currently a Board member of FMC Technologies Inc. and Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners.
Mr. Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves is a highly skilled diplomat with a long standing career in the Brazilian Foreign Relations Ministry. Mr. Castro Neves served as the Brazilian Ambassador to China from 2004 to 2008, a strategic position for the Brazilian government. He later became the Brazilian Ambassador to Japan from 2008 to 2010. He also served as Chairman of the Board of Itaipu Binacional. He is currently the Chairman of CEBRI – Brazilian Center for International Relations.
Mr. Roberto Oliveira de Lima is a highly skilled executive and has held key positions at important companies in Brazil. He previously held the CEO positions at Vivo, the Brazilian leader in mobile communication, and Chairman and CEO of Credicard. He also held executive positions at the Accor Group among others. Mr. Lima is currently a Board member of Natura, Telefonica Brasil, Rodobens and Edenred.
Upon the election of Messrs. Eleazar de Carvalho Filho, Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves and Roberto Oliveira de Lima, the majority of the members of the Board of Directors of GPA will have been appointed by Casino.
Casino’s decision to appoint highly respected and experienced Brazilian individuals to the Board of Directors of GPA is in line with its vision that Brazilian people must continue to play a key role regarding the management and the governance of GPA.
In appointing these members, Casino brings new and complementary profiles to GPA’s Board, which will be of great importance in the way the Board will support GPA’s management going forward.
Casino reaffirms its full support and confidence in GPA’s outstanding management and its long term commitment to Brazil.




Thierry ORSONI – Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78 –

Frédéric CROCCEL – Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39 –


Grégoire LUCAS – Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 70 74 94 –

Karine ALLOUIS – Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 70 74 81 –


Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17 –


+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18 –

1 As provided in the shareholders’ agreement of Wilkes Participações S.A. (“Wilkes”, which directly controls GPA).

14 May 2012

Casino Group again rewarded for its commitment to “Diversity”

The Diversity Label, which is awarded by France’s Ministry of the Interior in partnership with the country’s AFNOR Certification organisation, rewards companies whose practices in combating discrimination are deemed to be exemplary. Casino Group obtained this label in 2009, following a campaign by AFNOR Certification to introduce the label and the decision of a panel made up of representatives of several government ministries and trade unions.

Casino Group has been involved since 1993 in combating all forms of exclusion and discrimination, and now implements a diversity promotion policy that encourages the hiring of applicants from a wide range of backgrounds and fosters equal opportunities.
This company policy forms part of a continuous effort to pursue constructive dialogue with all union organisations.

Yves Desjacques, director of human resources for Casino Group, said: “The renewal of the Diversity Label highlights the work of our Group, which has for almost 20 years conducted a determined and innovative policy to promote diversity. Combating discrimination, promoting diversity and taking into account different cultures and attitudes is a day-by-day approach that is of great importance to our employees, our social partners and our general management. It’s a long-term approach and, for all our employees, the renewal of the Diversity Label is very satisfying.”

Through its corporate baseline, Nourrir un Monde de Diversité (Nourishing a World of Diversity), Casino, which has always been a pioneer in this field, has made the promotion of diversity part of its DNA. Its current policy is based on the following areas:

  • Equal opportunities: origins, public territory, priority categories of job-seekers

◦Under the French government’s Hope for the Suburbs plan, Casino Group has, in the space of four years, hired 4,440 people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods under permanent or fixed-term contracts, and offered 2,500 training courses and 750 work-study contracts to young people from these neighbourhoods
◦To incorporate the combat against discrimination in its recruitment practices, since 2008 Casino Group has been using the simulation recruitment method (candidates are selected based on their performance in simulations of real-life situations, and not on the basis of their CV). A total of 2,500 employees have been hired using this method, in partnership with the Pôle Emploi job centres.

  • Disabilities and support for employees who are carers

◦The employment rate for disabled workers at Casino France was 10.71% in 2011 (the legal requirement is 6%). The Group committed in 2011 to hire 180 people with disabilities by the end of 2013
◦Casino Group offers assistance to employees who need to adapt their vehicle to their own disability or to that of a family member (driver’s seat, rails for wheelchairs, etc.)
◦As part of its Aidons les aidants (Assist the carers) campaign, and in order to raise the awareness of all employees, in early May 2012 the Group distributed a booklet offering advice to family carers of elderly or disabled people.

  • Gender equality

◦Women represent 37.5% of managers (against 34% in 2008)
◦A company-wide agreement signed in November 2011 committed the Group to make progress on improvement plans identified in five main areas: recruitment, training, pay, career development, and parental issues
◦In 2012, a working parent handbook was written and distributed, listing all the measures put in place by the Group to assist employees with children (e.g. flexible working hours, career development, etc.). 
The Group has set up the C’avec elles network to put women managers in touch with each other so that they can propose innovative new ideas to the general management. The network currently has 400 members.

  • Older employees

◦Through the signature of a company-wide agreement in September 2009, Casino committed to hire 500 older employees in the 2010-2012 period. The rate of employees aged over 55 increased 15.10% between 2010 and 2011.

  • Respect for religious diversity

◦A Guide to Religious Diversity was distributed in 2011 to all managers.

  • Combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation

◦A review was launched in 2011 and will lead to action plans to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation. As part of this approach, a guide for managers will be written and distributed by the end of 2012.


Press contacts

Casino Group
Frédéric Croccel / / + 33 1 53 65 24 39

Image 7
Karine Allouis / / +33 1 53 70 74 81

14 May 2012

Casino continues the process of becoming sole controlling shareholder of GPA in Brazil

Continuing the previously-agreed process for the rearrangement of the corporate control of Companhia Brasileira de Distribuição (“GPA”)1, Casino Guichard-Perrachon (“Casino”) sent today a notice to Mr. Abilio Diniz informing him of its decision to appoint Mr. Jean Charles Naouri, Chairman and CEO of Casino, as chairman of the Wilkes Board of Directors.

Upon the election of Mr. Naouri as Chairman of Wilkes, which should occur at a Wilkes Shareholders’ Meeting expected to be held on June 22, 2012, there will be a change in GPA’s corporate governance structure, resulting in Casino becoming the sole controlling shareholder of GPA.

Casino also gave notice today to Mr. Diniz that it will exercise its right to appoint a majority of the board of directors of GPA1. GPA’s board of directors should start functioning under such new composition as of June 22, 2012 following an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of GPA expected to occur on that date.

Finally, today, Casino exercised its call option1 which allows the company to buy 1 Wilkes share and thereby own the majority of the voting shares of Wilkes. The final acquisition of this share is conditioned upon Mr. Diniz not exercising his first put option, which permits Mr. Diniz until 22 August 2012 to require Casino to purchase one million voting shares of Wilkes (which would also result in Casino owning the majority of the voting shares of Wilkes). As per applicable requirement, Casino informed the Brazilian antitrust authority (CADE) of the acquisition of shares that will result from the foregoing procedure.

Casino reaffirms its full support and confidence in GPA’s outstanding management and its long term commitment to Brazil.


Casino Group
Thierry Orsoni
+33 1 53 65 64 38

Image 7
Leslie Jung
+44 7818 641 803


Régine Gaggioli
+33 1 53 65 64 17

+33 1 53 65 64 18

1 As provided in the shareholders’ agreement of Wilkes Participações S.A. (“Wilkes”, which directly controls GPA).

4 May 2012

Casino sells a 9.8% stake in Mercialys

Casino is announcing that it has sold 9.8% of its stake in Mercialys through the implementation of an equity swap with CréditAgricole Corporate and Investment Bank. This transaction, which follows the disposal to bring Casino’s stake in Mercialys down to below 50% on April 25, enables an optimal reclassification of these stocks.
Overall and as of today, this sale has generated cash of €138 million for Casino Group.

As part of the implementation of its new retail real estate strategy of “Foncièrecommerçante” announced on February 9, Mercialys proceeded to a first exceptional distribution, of which €532 million was received by Casino on April 20.

In total, Casino has therefore already received €670 million of its announced gross cash inflow target of €800 to €900 million and is continuing to strengthen its financial flexibility.

The Group is reaffirming its dual value-creativebusiness model and will remain a key partner of Mercialys, in which it now holds a 40.2% stake.

Casino Group
Thierry Orsoni
+33 1 53 65 64 38

Image 7
Leslie Jung
+44 7818 641 803

+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17

+33 1 53 65 64 18

About Casino
The Casino Group is one of the leading food retailers in the world. In addition to its 9,500 outlets in France, the group has another 2,200 stores, mainly in Latin America (Brazil and Colombia) and South East Asia (Thailand and Vietnam), which account for 45% of its sales. In 2011, Casino had consolidated sales of €34.4 billion. It employs 230,000 people around the world.

About Mercialys
Mercialys, one of France’s leading real estate companies, is solely active in commercial property. Rental revenue in 2011 came to Euro 161 million and net income, Group share, to Euro 147 million. It owns 120 properties with an estimated value of Euro 2.6 billion (including transfer taxes) at December 31, 2011. Mercialys has benefited from “SIIC” tax status (REIT) since November 1, 2005.
3 May 2012

Success of Big C Thailand THB 4.2 Bn (€103 m) private placement more than four times oversubscribed

Big C Supercenter, a Casino Group affiliate, announced today the success of its private placement of 23.6 million shares (2.9% of its enlarged share capital), representing an amount of THB 4.2 Bn (€103 m).

The transaction was more than four times oversubscribed reflecting investors’ robust confidence in Big C and its attractive growth prospects.

This capital raising will allow Big C to implement its expansion plan and reduce its leverage as part of Big C’s strategic plan announced at the end of 2011, aiming at strengthening its co-leadership position in the Thai retail sector and becoming a major player in the region.

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Analysts and Investors Contact

+33 1 53 65 64 17
+ 33 1 53 65 64 18


17 April 2012

First-quarter 2012 sales

Paris, 17 April 2012

First-quarter 2012 sales of € 8.7 billion, up sharply by 11.3%

Sustained organic growth, excluding petrol, improved over 2011: up 6.6% (vs 5.7% at the end of 2011)

  • Continued double-digit growth in international markets (up 11.9%), driven by performance in Latin America and in Asia
  • In France, good business development (up 2%), driven by convenience store formats and non-food e-commerce (two-digit organic growth at Cdiscount)


First-quarter 2012 sales Evolution
Consolidated net salesQ1 2011Q1 2012Q1 2012/Q1 2011 Change
€M€MGrowthOrganic Growth
Excluding petrol
Total, continuing


Breakdown of Q1 2012 group sales growth
Same-store sales
Casino Group+11.3%+6.5%+5.6%

Consolidated Group sales rose by 11.3% in the first quarter of 2012.
Changes in the scope of consolidation had a positive impact of +4.1%, due mainly to Casino’s increased ownership stake in GPA. Exchange rates had a positive impact of +0.7%. Petrol had no material impact on the quarter. France and International markets benefited from a favourable calendar effect of 2.5% and 0.7%, respectively.

Organic Group sales growth, excluding petrol, was up 6.6%, an improvement over 2011 as a whole (up 5.7% at the end of 2011).

Summary of Q1 2012 sales


Organic growth up 2.3% in France
Organic growthSame-store
sales growth
France +1.8% +2.3% +1.3%
  • All convenience formats (Casino supermarkets, Monoprix, Franprix and superettes) reported good performance, with solid sales progression in organic terms.
  • Leader Price reported increased same-store sales, up 1.7%.
  • Géant’s food sales performance was satisfactory in a mixed environment for hypermarkets.
  • Cdiscount maintained double-digit sales growth, enabling the Group to report aggregate non-food sales growth (Géant +Cdiscount) of +2.3%.


Continued double-digit organic growth in international operations: +11.9%
sales growth

International operations continue to post very solid growth in organic terms. Changes in the scope of consolidation contributed 10% to sales growth and foreign exchange to 1.7%.

  • -Latin America reported growth of 13.5% in organic terms, driven by strong same-store sales. This performance shows the sales momentum across all Group activities in the region.
  • -Organic growth in Asia was strong at +9.7% due to good same-store sales progression (+4.5%) and to the expansion.

Reported international sales accounted for 49% of all Group sales for the period, compared to 45% for the whole of 2011.

France: analysis of Q1 2012 sales

Sales in France came out at €4.5 billion for the first quarter of 2012, up 1.8% (2% in organic terms), excluding petrol.

Sales Evolution
€MQ1 2011Q1 2012Reported
Sales excluding tax, France4,414.54,495.1+1.8%+2.0%
Casino France2,857.12,921.4+2.2%+1.9%
Géant Casino hypermarkets1,276.41,271.1-0.4%-2.0%
Casino supermarkets834.8865.1+3.6%+3.7%
Cdiscount & other businesses401.1431.5+7,6%+8.4%
Franprix – Leader Price1,074.21,062-1.1%+0.5%


Same-store sales growth trends, excluding petrol
Q1 2012
Géant Casino hypermarkets-1.8%
Casino supermarkets+1.5%
Leader Price+1.7%
  •  Casino France

Géant Casino same-store sales, excluding petrol, were down -1.8%, with an increase in the average basket.
Reported food sales were up 0.4%. The banner continued its policy of promotions, with a share of revenue from promotional offers up 1.8pt for the period. The volume of private label grew by 3.5%.
Non-food sales were down 7.9%, with very mixed trends depending on the category. Excluding electronics, which continues to decline in stores, other categories (textile, recreational items and housewares) decreased by a modest -2.2%.

Excluding petrol, same-store Casino Supermarkets sales were up 1.5%, with an increase in the basket. The banner continued its expansion programme, opening one store over the period in France. Total sales were up 3.7%, excluding petrol.

Superettes sales were up +2.6%, a net improvement over previous quarters. This performance was driven by expansion (+6%) as the banner opened 78 stores, including four in the new Casino Shop and Casino Shopping formats.

Other businesses (Cdiscount, Mercialys, Casino Cafétéria and Banque Casino) posted sales growth of 8.4% in organic terms. Cdiscount’s sales were up +12.2% in organic terms. The marketplace continued to grow, increasing the total number of available products on the Cdiscount site to 450,000, of which 100,000 sold directly by Cdiscount.
The Group continued to deploy its multi-channel distribution strategy into the first quarter by completing the number of physical pick-up points in its stores, which now number 2,113 for packages weighing less than 30 kg and 211 for packages weighing more than 30 kg.
Aggregate non-food sales in France at Géant and Cdiscount grew 2.3% for the quarter.

  • Franprix – Leader Price

Leader Price continued to post higher same-stores sales (up 1.7% at the end of Q1 2012 compared to up 1.5% for the whole of 2011), driven by a good store traffic. The deployment of the new concept is continuing in line with objectives, with the percentage of upgraded stores up to 45%. The banner also opened three stores during the period.
Thanks to the reactivation of its commercial policy, sales at Franprix were up 1.2% (on an organic basis). Seven stores were opened in the first quarter. Same-store sales fell -1.2% compared to the -4.6% decline in Q4 2011.
Sales at Franprix-Leader Price were up 0.5% in organic terms thanks to the closure of unprofitable stores. Total sales were down -1.1%, due to the deconsolidation of a master franchisee.

  •  Monoprix

Same-store sales at Monoprix rose by 5.4%. Growth was driven in particular by textile sales in January and by food sold in February and March, with the success of the “Les Jours Essentiels” commercial action. The banner opened six stores during the period, including three Naturalia stores. In all, Monoprix net sales rose by 5.9% in the first quarter.

International operations: analysis of q1 2012 sales

Consolidated sales for international operations rose sharply, by 23.5%.
Changes in the scope of consolidation had a positive impact of +10% associated with Casino’s increased ownership stake in GPA.
Exchange rates had a positive impact of +1.7%, resulting mainly from the appreciation of the Colombian and Thai currencies against euro.
Growth in organic terms was up 11.9%, maintaining its double-digit pace and driven by good
performance as much in Latin America as in Asia.

Change in the growth of international sales in Q1 2012
sales growth

In Latin America, same-store sales surged 11.9%, reflecting excellent performance in all markets.

  • GPA in Brazil

In Brazil, GPA same-store sales grew 9.6%*.
GPA Food’s same-store sales were up 9.3%*, lifted by the success of the new Assaí cash & carry format, by the performances of Extra supermarkets and by Minimercado Extra proximity stores.
Same-store sales at Viavarejo (the new name of Globex) were up 10%*, benefiting from significant commercial initiatives and a new assortment in Q1.
NovaPontocom, the N° 2 in non-food e-commerce in Brazil, is continuing its dynamic process of growth. The expansion continued in the first quarter, with, in particular, the opening of one Assaí store, one Casas Bahia store and one Extra hypermarket. Five Extra Facil stores were also converted to Mini Mercado Extra stores.

  • Exito in Colombia

Same-store sales in Colombia continued to enjoy a very satisfactory performance. This reflects the strong performance posted by Surtimax discount stores and the success of the Anniversario commercial action in March by Exito hypermarkets and Exito supermarkets, which took place in the second quarter of 2011.

Exito continued its expansion focused on convenience stores with the opening of seven Exito Express, seven Surtimax, and three supermarkets, including one Exito Tecno during the period. Combined sales are experiencing solid growth.

* Data reported by the company.

In Asia, organic growth remained high at 9.7%.

  • Big C Thailand

Following the serious floods at the end of 2011 and in a particularly competitive environment, Big C posted sustained organic growth, reflecting a return to a satisfactory same-store sales growth track and the growing contribution of expansion. The development of convenience store formats continued with the opening of 12 Mini Big C stores, two supermarkets (Market) and six Pure (Pharmacy-Beauty) stores.

All stores closed due to flooding have now reopened.

In March Big C signed a partnership agreement with Bangchak, the second-largest operator of petrol stations in the country. This agreement will enable the company to open five Mini Big C stores in the first half of 2012 and up to 300 Mini Big C over the next five years.

  • Big C Vietnam

Big C Vietnam continues to post very strong sales growth in organic terms, boosted by double-digit growth in same-store sales.

Indian Ocean same-store sales as well as organic sales were virtually stable.


The group confirmed its objectives for 2012:

  • – Growth in Group sales of more than 10%.
  • – Stability of the Group’s market share in food in France.
  • – Progression of the trading profit at Franprix-Leader Price.

The Group plans to continue its active policy of rotating its assets with an asset disposal/capital increase
target of €1.5 billion in 2012, two-thirds of which already announced as of 31 March 2012 (extraordinary dividend announced by Mercialys, disposal of 10% to 20% of Mercialys and private placement in Thailand).

It also intends to maintain a robust level of financial flexibility and maintain its Net Debt/EBITDA ratio below 2.2x.

Schedule of Financial Disclosures

Friday 11 May 2012: Annual General Meeting
Thursday 26 July 2012 (before the opening of the markets): second quarter sales and results for the first half of 2012


Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel.:+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17


+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18


Thierry ORSONI – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78


Frédéric CROCCEL – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39

Image 7

Leslie JUNG – Tel.: +44 7818 641 803


This press release has been prepared for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities or related financial instruments. Similarly, it does not and should not be treated as giving investment advice. It has no connection with the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any receiver. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgement. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.


Main changes to the scope of consolidation

  • – Increase of the ownership interest in GPA to 40.1% at the end of March 2012 (vs. 33.7% at the end of March 2011)
  • – Full consolidation of two master franchisees by Franprix Leader Price starting 1 February 2011
  • – Full consolidation of a master franchisee by Franprix Leader Price starting 15 April 2011
  • – Full consolidation of a master franchisee by Franprix Leader Price from 1 February 2011 to 31 August 2011
  • – Full consolidation of a master franchisee by Franprix Leader Price starting 8 March 2012
  • – Change in the stake held in Banque du Groupe Casino (using the proportional method): Consolidation percentage decreased from 60% to 50% on 1 July 2011 following the change in the partnership.


Casino 2012
First quarterChange
PublishedAt constant exchange
Of which:
Casino France2,857.12,921.4+2.2%+2.2%
Géant Casino hypermarkets1,276.41,271.1-0.4%-0.4%
Casino supermarkets834.8865.1+3.6%+3.6%
Other businesses401.1431.5+7.6%+7.6%
Franprix – Leader Price1,074.21,062.0-1.1%-1.1%
Of which:
Latin America2,505.33,225.1+28.7%+27.2%
Other businesses210.3211.1+0.4%+0.2%
SALES FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS7,849.98,739.3+11.3%+10.6%
Average exchange ratesQ1 2011Q1 2012Change
Argentina (ARS/EUR)0.1820.176-3.6%
Uruguay (UYP/EUR)0.0370.039+4.8%
Thailand (THB/EUR)0.0240.025+2.8%
Vietnam (VND/EUR) (x1000)0.0370.037-0.1%
Colombia (COP/EUR) (x1000)0.3900.424+8.7%
Brazil (BRL/EUR)0.4390.432-1.6%
Store network at the end of the period: France
FRANCE31 March 201131 December 201131 March 2012
Géant Casino hypermarkets125127126
Of which: French affiliates688
International affiliates555
 French franchises1
+ petrol stations100101100
Casino supermarkets407422425
Of which: French affiliates/franchises515151
International affiliates/franchises283235
+ service stations162170169
Franprix supermarkets867897892
Of which franchises375379377
Monoprix supermarkets494514518
Of which Naturalia495558
Of which franchises/affiliates133130131
Leader Price discount stores591608595
Of which franchises184271245
Total supermarkets + discount stores2,3592,4412,430
Of which franchises/franchise commercial leases771863839
Petit Casino superettes1,7861,7581,745
Of which franchises292928
Casino Shopping superettes67
Casino Shop superettes1619
Eco Services superettes111
Spar superettes934956955
Of which franchises762755743
Vival superettes1,7831,7521,699
Of which franchises1,7821,7501,697
Casitalia and C’Asia superettes111
MAG franchises1,2061,1341,115
Corner, Relay, Shell, Elf, Carmag…1,2061,1341,115
MAG Wholesale922937935
Of which franchises/franchise commercial leases/stores4,7024,6064,519
MAG affiliates202628
Of which French affiliates171820
International affiliates388
DIV Other activities284295297
TOTAL France9,4219,4509,358
Hypermarkets (HM)125127126
Supermarkets (SM)1,7681,8331,835
Discount (DIS)591608595
Superettes (SUP) + other stores (MAG)6,6536,5876,505
Other (DIV)284295297


Store network at the end of the period: international
International31 March 201131 December 201131 March 2012
Libertad hypermarkets151515
Other businesses899
URUGUAY 53 5252
Géant hypermarkets111
Disco supermarkets282727
Devoto supermarkets242424
BRAZIL 1,647 1,5711,570
Extra hypermarkets114132133
Pao de Açucar supermarkets151159158
Sendas supermarkets1300
Extra Perto supermarkets118204204
AssaíDiscount Stores595960
Extra Facil and Minimercado Extra superettes677271
Casas Bahia (other)526544544
Ponto Frio (other)506401400
THAILAND 168 221 240
Big C hypermarkets105108108
Big C supermarkets101214
Mini Big C superettes225162
Pure (other)315056
VIETNAM 15 23 23
Big C hypermarkets141818
New Cho superettes155
Jumbo hypermarkets111111
Score/Jumbo supermarkets212222
Cash and Carry supermarkets555
Spar supermarkets788
Other businesses677
COLOMBIA 303 351366
Exito hypermarkets758082
Pomona, Carulla, Exito supermarkets112130131
Surtimax Discount stores577884
Exito Express and Carulla Express superettes325460
Ley and others2799
TOTAL INTERNATIONAL 2,259 2,295 2,328
Hypermarkets (HM)335365368
Supermarkets (SM)582591593
Discount (DIS)116137144
Superettes (SUP)122182198
Other (DIV)1,1041,0201,025