
17 September 2012

Evolution in Mercialys Management

After ten years within the Casino Group, during which he brought a strong contribution to its real estate development, Jacques Ehrmann leaves his positions as director of Casino’s real estate activities and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mercialys.
Going forward, he will provide his expertise to both companies through an external advisory role.
Today, the Board of Directors of Mercialys appointed, on an interim basis, Géry Robert-Ambroix, previously Deputy Chief Executive Officer to the position of Chief Executive Officer and Michel Savart, Director of Mercialys to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. In parallel, the process of selecting a new permanent Chaiman and Chief Executive Officer has been initiated.
The Group’s real estate division will be managed on an interim basis by André Lucas, Chief Executive Officer of Casino’s hypermarkets and supermarkets division as well as Vincent Rebillard Director of Immobilière Groupe Casino since 2011.
Géry Robert-Ambroix, together with all the members of Mercialys’ Executive Committee will continue to pursue the company’s successful strategy over the last seven years, notably through the implementation of the “Fonciere Commercante”, the deployment of the “Esprit Voisin” project and the €500 million assets disposal plan.
The development of Mercialys continues with the support of the Casino Group which is at the same time accelerating its development abroad, particularly in Colombia and Brazil.
Michel Savart, Director of Mercialys since 2005, is also Chief Executive Officer of Foncière Euris.

Géry Robert-Ambroix, Deputy Managing Director of Mercialys since 2005, has served since 1998 at various leading positions in the management of real estate assets.

Image Sept UK
UK DL: +44 (0)20 7607 9419
UK M: +44 (0)78 1864 1803


Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18
14 September 2012

Ferdinand Tomarchio appointed Director, Brazil for Casino Group’s International Coordination Department

Ferdinand Tomarchio has been appointed Director, Brazil for Casino Group’s International Coordination Department. Mr Tomarchio, 30, is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and of the Corps des Mines engineering school. He began his career with the French Ministry of Industry.

Press contacts :


Frédéric CROCCEL
Tél. +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39
Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 70 74 81
14 September 2012

Laurent Zecri appointed Chief Executive Officer of Casino Group subsidiary Big C Vietnam

Laurent Zecri, 42, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Big C Vietnam, a Casino Group subsidiary. He reports to Yves Braibant, Chief Executive Officer of Big C Thailand.
Laurent Zecri joined Casino Group in 1997 and has served in various posts with international responsibilities. He was previously Director, International Merchandise.

Press contacts :


Frédéric CROCCEL
Tél. +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39
Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 70 74 81
13 September 2012

Omri Benayoun appointed Chief Operating Officer of Cdiscount, Casino Group’s e-commerce subsidiary

Omri Benayoun has been appointed Chief Operating Officer of Cdiscount, Casino Group’s e-commerce subsidiary. He takes responsibility for strategy, marketing and information systems.
Mr Benayoun, 35, is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and of the Corps des Mines engineering school. He began his career with the French Ministry of Industry before joining Dassault Systèmes in 2007 as director of business development with responsibility for alliances. He joined Casino in 2010 as director of strategy and the business plan.

Press contacts: 

Frédéric CROCCEL
Tél. +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39
Grégoire LUCAS
Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 70 74 94
10 September 2012

Casino Group, France’s leading retailer, to launch NFC mobile app

The convergence of the physical and digital worlds is constantly opening up new opportunities for customers. At this point in time, over 80% of French people own a mobile phone. But by 2015, all of them will have a smartphone, more than half of which will be NFC-enabled. The “2.0 customer” interacts with retail outlets more intensively and on a more regular basis. “Shopping anywhere, anytime” is becoming a reality.
Casino Group is taking the initiative and meeting these enormous changes head on. Its goal is to provide an easier, more enjoyable experience by making shopping faster, pleasanter and less taxing thanks to its omnichannel application “mCasino NFC”, developed in partnership with Think&Go. The app ensures personalisation, shopping basket continuity and a seamless experience from A to Z on all sales channels.
The app will be trialled in October in the fully NFC-enabled Casino supermarket in the Belles Feuilles shopping centre located in Paris’s 16th district. Later the same month the trial will be extended to Lyon, through the installation of “NFC order walls” in highly frequented areas (public transport, etc.). Lastly, during the autumn in Paris, the “Casino Digital Wall” will add to the experience in an interactive and entertaining manner.
Our vision is that, in the future, the mobile phone will be your indispensable partner for shopping in store, while out and about, or from home. And we believe that contactless technology will be among the technologies this revolution will be based on. Embedded in a smartphone, this technology enables the user to move from a totally digital world to a world of interconnection with objects, which gain the capacity to communicate. It’s a world that combines the online and offline worlds. There are dozens of ways in which it can be used, offering customers simple, rapid service,” said Thierry Aouizerate, director of marketing at Casino. “This approach is the continuation of the trail-blazing work started by our company in 2010 with contactless payment trialled in Marseille.
A full NFC customer experience at the supermarket in the Belles Feuilles shopping centre
From October, customers with NFC-enabled mobile phones using the Belles Feuilles supermarket in Paris’s 16th district are going to live a unique experience, thanks to the “mCasino NFC” application. The app will enable them to do their shopping everywhere in the 25,000-article store more easily, more rapidly and in a more personalised way as they will have access to technical, commercial and educational information about the products on sale.
Casino Group will benefit from feedback on the app’s uses and functions to improve and add to the services on offer.
The ergonomics of the app were defined on the basis of lessons learnt from the experiment carried out at the Institut de la Vision in 2011 in the aim of creating “a design for everyone”, with simple readability and navigation in just a few clicks.
For the past several weeks, a number of Casino employees equipped with NFC-enabled BlackBerry® smartphones have been testing the app. Through the partnership with Inside Secure, Research In Motion (RIM) and Quartz, they have a set of totally new services that demonstrate the wide range and simplicity of the NFC uses, including digital security badges and canteen cards.
1/ Select a product through a simple, intuitive gesture
There is no need to even launch the app. Users simply have to pass it over the NFC tag on the shelf to select a product in less than a second, obtain information (designation, price, etc.) and add it to their shopping basket. For Casino brand products, customers will have information such as the list of ingredients, nutritional analysis, environmental information, films and so on. Eventually, a great deal of information will be available on the entire range.
2/ Access personal information
Customers can also personalise their app settings, in total security and confidentiality, to take into account their own preferences and consumer habits. A customised service can send them personalised alerts. This function will be put in place step by step for all products to ensure the information provided is safe and reliable. Customers can also receive promotions for products that interest them. In addition, the digital loyalty card is included in the mobile phone.
3/ Manage your shopping basket
The simple, functional app lets customers see the cost of the shopping basket in real time and they can decide at any moment to add or remove a product. Customers can also better understand store discounts and see what is available so they can take advantage of them. Discounts are taken off the price of the product in the mobile shopping basket in real time.
4/ Pay at the till more rapidly
When they get to the till, customers show their phone to the NFC terminal. Their purchases are automatically transferred to the till, where they choose how to pay (NFC debit card, cash, etc.) and how to receive their shopping. Their loyalty points are also instantly credited to their account. Before the end of the year, payment direct from the mobile phone without going to a till may also be made possible.
Two new shopping channels to be trialled before the end of the year
The mCasino NFC app is part of a programme of gradual, evolving trials that aim to offer a total omnichannel shopping experience (meaning that, using the same app, consumers can begin filling their shopping basket from home, continue while moving around town and finish off in the store). The mCasino app already enables people to shop from home and new NFC solutions will soon round out the home shopping experience. The trial in the Belles Feuilles Centre supermarket in October will be continued by trying out two new order channels:
– The NFC order wall (QR and bar codes) in Lyon in October
Customers will be able to add to the shopping basket begun in the store or at home while they are travelling around town. Smart posters in the street, at bus shelters or metro stations will display products that can be ordered via an NFC tag, a QR code or a bar code. Customers will also be able to pay for their order and choose to have their shopping delivered or to pick it up at the store.
– The Casino Digital Wall in the autumn
Casino Group also announced the installation of a digital wall developed in association with ADACTIVE. The giant screen turns into an interactive product catalogue when it detects someone in its vicinity. Using a method similar to tactile tablets, customers can select products, build a shopping basket and transfer the basket to their telephone in order to pay discreetly and in total security. With the mCasino app, payment can be made with just one click by taking a photo of the QR code on the screen, and customers also choose how they want their shopping to be delivered.
Click on the link below for a film and screen captures of the trial carried out with Casino Group employees:
Press contacts :
•Casino Group : Frédéric Croccel / 01 53 65 24 39 –
•HighCo Shopper : Karine Perrier / 01 77 75 65 82 –
The registered trademarks BlackBerry and RIM, as well as the names, logos and symbols associated with them, are the property of Research In Motion Limited.  
1 WIMA USA award in November 2011
* With NFC accessories
23 August 2012

Casino acquired one million voting shares of Wilkes

Following the exercise by the Diniz family of its First Put Option as provided for in the agreements between Casino and the Diniz Family, one million voting shares of Wilkes were transferred to Casino on August 22, 2012.
Casino now holds 52.5% of the voting capital and 70.4% of the total capital of Wilkes, GPA’s holding company.
Régine GAGGIOLI – Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 1 53 65 64 18
27 July 2012

Casino and Galeries Lafayette announce signing of a transaction agreement in relation to Monoprix


Paris, 27 July 2012

Following the letter of intent signed on 28 June 2012 between Casino and Galeries Lafayette, the two groups have signed, on July 26th 2012, a transaction agreement in respect of the 50% stake held by Galeries Lafayette in Monoprix according to the terms disclosed in the press release dated 29th June 2012.

The acquisition by Casino will take place after the authorization process by the French Competition Authority is completed.



Press Contacts


Groupe Casino

Thierry Orsoni
+33 (0)

 Frédéric Croccel
+33 (0)

Groupe Galeries Lafayette

Laurent Perpère
+33 (0)

Alexandra van Weddingen
+33 (0)

Analyst and Investor Contacts
Groupe CasinoRégine GAGGIOLI
+33 (0)

+33 (0) Galeries LafayetteLaurent Perpère
+33 (0)

Alexandra van Weddingen
+33 (0)
26 July 2012

2012 Second-Quarter Sales and First-Half Results


  • Satisfactory 3.8% growth in Group sales in Q2
    • 5.5% organic growth internationally
    • Business held up well in France
  • H1 2012: EBITDA up +8.1% and Group Trading Profit up +11.6%
    • Excellent performances internationally
    • In France, marked recovery in profitability of Franprix-Leader Price
  • Underlying net profit group share stable at €178 million and increase in the underlying EPS
  • More than half of the €1.5bn asset disposal and capital increase plan has already been completed
  • Major operations announced
    • Change in Mercialys strategy and exceptional distribution to shareholders
    • Control of GPA on 2 July (which will be fully consolidated in H2)
    • Letter of intent signed to buy 50% of Monoprix

The first half 2012 consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 25 July 2012 and have been reviewed by the Statutory Auditors.

Jean-Charles Naouri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Casino Group, stated:

“During the first half of the year, the Group undertook major operations that will help simplify its structure. Its profile will be reinforced by greater exposure to fast-growth markets and buoyant formats. The increase in first half operating profitability once again proves the resiliency of its business model.”

Key figures
Continuing operations (in € m)H1 2011H1 2012% chg.
SALES 16,144 17,348 +7.5%
EBITDA margin5.8%5.8%stable
Trading profit571638+11.6%
Trading margin3.5%3.7%+14bp
Underlying net profit, Group share178178+0.2%
Underlying EPS (in €)1.441.50+4.8%
Net Financial Debt16,7836,043-€740m

1 After reclassification of Mercialys debt in accordance with IFRS 5


In Q2 2012, consolidated sales rose by +3.8%.

Organic growth excluding petrol rose by +1.7%, driven by solid performances in international businesses.

Changes in consolidation scope made a +2.2% positive contribution to sales, due mainly to Casino’s increased stake in GPA. Sales in France and internationally were impacted by an unfavourable calendar effect of, respectively, -0.9% and -2.3%.

Consolidated net salesQ2 2012% chg. Q2 2012/Q2 2011H1 2012% chg. H1 2012/H1 2011
in €mGrowthOrganic
excl. petrol
in €mGrowthOrganic
growth excl.


Sales in France were slightly down by -0.5% in organic terms, excluding petrol and calendar in the second quarter.
The calendar effect in France amounted to -0.9% in the second quarter. The scope effect was -2% in Q2 2012 due mainly to the deconsolidation of a master franchisee of the Franprix-Leader Price group.

  • Casino France

Casino France sales declined slightly, by -0.7% on an organic basis excluding petrol and calendar.

Excluding petrol and the calendar effect, Géant (hypermarket) sales fell by -3.3%2 on an organic basis. Food sales held up well, driven by the highlight of the entry price private label “Tous les jours” and by the restarting of promotions on all brands, as well as the roll-out of customer loyalizing corners.

In non-food, the second quarter was impacted by unfavourable weather that affected seasonal products, and by the shift in the sales calendar compared to 2011. Sales of multimedia products declined, due to shifts in purchasing behaviours towards e-commerce.

The reduction in non-food surface area accelerated to -8% on the half.

Total non-food sales (Géant + Cdiscount) rose.

Casino supermarkets sales rose by +1.4%² on an organic basis, (excluding petrol and calendar). The banner expanded its offer of fresh goods and set up targeted cash-register promotional tools. It opened three supermarkets in the second quarter, thus bringing to four the number of stores opened in the first half.

Superettes sales fell by -3.2% on an organic basis, excluding the calendar effect. Expansion continued with 102 openings during the quarter, including six stores under the new Casino Shopping and Casino Shop formats, as well as optimising the chain.

Sales of Other businesses (Cdiscount, Mercialys, Restaurants, etc.) rose by +9.1% on an organic basis, thanks mainly to a +14.5% increase at Cdiscount on the quarter and a +20.1% increase in business volume. The banner did very well in household goods, apparel and telephony. Its market share in household appliances and high-tech rose, thanks to the success of the private labels Continental Edison and Oceanic. Cdiscount also accelerated the development of its “market place”, which accounted for more than 5% of the website’s total sales as of 30 June. The m-commerce (i.e., sales via smartphones and touch pads) already account for 4% of the website sales.

2 Restated for the transfer of four Géant stores to Casino Supermarkets

  • Franprix-Leader Price

Franprix sales recorded a slight decrease by -0.5% on an organic basis excluding the calendar effect. 8 stores were opened during the quarter. 15 have now been opened year to date. Cash-register promotion and customer-loyalty tools were rolled out, offering 5% discounts on the Leader Price private label. Franprix has also raised the number of Leader Price products costing less than €1, continued to develop its private label, and made targeted price cuts.

Leader Price total sales fell by -2.5% on an organic basis during the quarter when excluding the calendar effect. The organic change in sales includes the impact of the closing of 15 stores since 1 January 2012. Five stores were opened during the quarter, thus bringing the year-to-date total to eight. Leader Price has successfully refocused on fundamentals; its price indices are highly competitive; and it has enhanced its operating efficiency and improved its offer of fresh goods through greater professionalisation of teams. It has confirmed the expectations of early in the year, both in sales perspectives and profitability.

Franprix-Leader Price sales decreased overall by -1.3% on an organic basis, excluding the calendar effect on the quarter, due mainly to the impact of Leader Price store closings or transfers. Reported sales fell by 7.5% due to the deconsolidation of a master franchisee.

  • Monoprix

Monoprix achieved +1.5% organic growth in sales when excluding the calendar effect, with food doing well, promoted by operations from traditional corners.

Despite an unfavourable second quarter impact from the weather and the shift in the sales calendar, apparel sales held up well on the half, due to the impact of marketing operations. A total of 7 stores were opened in the quarter (2 Naturalia, 2 Citymarchés and 3 Monop’), bringing to 12 the total number of stores that have been opened on the year to date.

Evolution of sales in France in the second quarter (reported and organic growth excluding petrol and calendar)
 in €mQ2 2011Q2 2012Reported
Organic growth
excluding petrol
and calendar effect
Net sales, France4,687.74,531.3-3.3%-0.5%
Casino France3,009.52,940.7-2.3%-0.7%
Géant Casino hypermarkets1,361.11,277.2-6.2%-3.3%3
Casino supermarkets907.8934.4+2.9%+1.4%3
Cdiscount & Other businesses370.3369.4-0.2%+9.1%
Franprix – Leader Price1,184.61,095.9-7.5%-1.3%

 3 Restated for the transfer of four Géant stores to Casino Supermarkets

Evolution of sales in France in the second quarter (Same-store growth, excluding petrol and including calendar)
Q2 2012
Géant Casino hypermarkets-5.1%
Casino supermarkets-2.4%
Leader Price-3.4%



Sales by International subsidiaries rose by +13.1%, due to solid organic growth of +5.5% and a scope effect due to Casino’s increased stake in GPA. The calendar effect was a negative -2.3%.

  • Latin America

Sales rose by +5.5% on an organic basis and by +4.1% on a same-store basis.

In Colombia, total sales rose by +15.5%. Same-store sales were impacted by the anticipation of the “Aniversario” promotion in Q1 and the postponement of the “Mega Prima” promotion in July versus 2011. Expansion is focused on these convenience and discount formats under the Exito Express and Surtimax brands, which opened 20 stores during the quarter.

In Brazil, total sales rose by +11.4%. GPA maintained robust same-store sales of +5.6% . In food, same-store sales at GPA Food rose by +4.7%4, driven by the very good performance in Assai cash & carry stores and by the successful conversion of 66 Extra Facil convenience stores under the new “Minimercado Extra” concept, which has resulted in an acceleration in this format’s sales growth.

Same-store sales at Viavarejo, which include Ponto Frio, Casas Bahia and e-commerce sales, rose by 6.7%4, with a positive impact from tax incentives on purchases of household appliances and furniture.

Expansion continued in the second quarter with the opening of nine stores: three Ponto Frio, three Casas Bahia, one Pão de Açucar, one Hiper Extra and one Minimercado Extra.

  • Asia

Asia’s organic growth came to +7.5% in the second quarter.

In Thailand, organic growth at Big C was very good, despite the consequences of flooding that continues to disrupt logistics and supply chains. Total sales rose sharply, driven by aggressive expansion (one hypermarket, three supermarkets, 25 Mini Big C and 19 Pure stores have been opened so far this year) and same-store growth. Mall sales are very strong.

On 3 May the company successfully undertook a capital increase via a private placement (which was oversubscribed more than four times), which contributes to support its expansion plans.

Vietnam once again achieved very robust organic growth in its sales on the quarter (+28.2%) in a context of lower inflation compared to 2011. A new convenience format was launched with the opening of a C Express.

Figures reported by the companies

International sales growth in Q2 2012
Latin America+13.1%+5.5%+4.1%
International sales growth in H1 2012
Latin America+20.7%+9.4%+7.9%


The Group achieved robust 7.5% sales growth in the first half. In organic terms, excluding the calendar effect, sales rose by 4%, driven by strong same-store growth and international expansion. Fast-growth markets accounted for 46% of Group consolidated sales in the first half. When including the full consolidation of GPA, fast-growth markets accounted for 59%5 .

Group trading profit rose by +11.6% to €638 million, driven by steep growth in Latin America and Asia. Operating margins were strong at Monoprix, FPLP, and operations in Asia and Latin America.

The Group’s fast-growth markets already account for 60% of consolidated trading profit in the first half. When including the full consolidation of GPA as of 1 January 2012, fast-growth markets account for 72%5.

Trading profit in France came to €251 million, which fell by -7.3% compared to the first half of 2011, driven mainly by declining non-food sales at Géant and the payment of the profit sharing bonus. Trading profit at Franprix-Leader Price rose by +15.4%, thanks to action plans at the various chains. Trading profit rose by 12.8% at Monoprix.

International trading profit surged by +28.7%, to €387 million. Organic growth was robust in Brazil, Colombia and Thailand. Excluding the scope effect (linked to the Casino’s increased stake in GPA), international trading profit rose by +17.4%.

Other operating income and expenses (€104 million) include mainly provisions and charges for restructuring, litigation and transaction fees incurred by ongoing operations.

The evolution of the cost of debt remained under control at €222 million (vs. €214 million in H1 2011).

Net profit group share came to €124 million. When restated for exceptional items, underlying net profit6 group share amounted to €178 million, which was stable compared to first half of 2011.

For the first half of 2012 the Group’s net financial debt (exluding Mercialys) came to €6,043 million, or €740 million lower than one year earlier. The Group continued to implement its €1.5 billion asset disposal and capital increase plan, hence reinforcing its financial structure. More than half of the plan had already been carried out by the end of the first half, thanks to disposal of Mercialys securities and its exceptional distribution (€670 million) and to Big C’s private placement in Thailand (€102 million).

The liquidity situation is solid, with €1.4 billion in cash and €2.5 billion in undrawn confirmed credit lines, while the Group’s bond debt maturity has been extended to 4.6 years (vs. 4.4 at the end of 2011 and 3.1 at the end of 2010).

 H1 2012 pro forma with GPA and Mercialys fully consolidated and Monoprix proportionately consolidate (The impact of the full integration of GPA from 1 January 2012 on the Group’s interim consolidated accounts is described in Note 17 to the interim consolidated financial statements)

6 Underlying net profit is equal to net profit on continuing operations, adjusted for other operating income and expenses and the effects of non-recurring financial income and non-recurring tax income and expenses (see appendices)


Continuing operations (in €m)H1 2011H1 2012% chg.% organic chg. 1
SALES 16,14417,348 +7.5% +4.1%
– of which France9,1029,026-0.8%+0.3%
– of which International7,0418,322+18.2%+8.6%
EBITDA(2) 9291,004 +8.1% +3.9%
– of which France479438-8.6%-6.8%
– of which International450566+25.8%+15.1%
Trading profit 571 638 +11.6% +5.3%
– of which France271251-7.3%-8.6%
– of which International301387+28.7%+17.4%
Other operating income and expense,
Operating profit446534+19.7%
Finance costs, net(214)(222)-3.6%
Other financial income and expense, net(9)21
Income tax expense(52)(95)
Share of profits of associates(4)(15)
Profit (loss) from Continuing operations,
Group share 
134 125-6.6% 
Profit (loss) from discontinued
operations, Group share
Net profit, Group share133124-6.5%
178 178 +0.2% 

(1) Based on a comparable scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates, excluding the impact of real-estate disposals
(2) EBITDA: Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation.
(3)See details in the appendix.

 Trading profit by format


Trading profit (in €m)H1 2011MarginH1 2012MarginChg. (organic)
Casino France1562.7%1192.0%-77bp
Franprix-Leader Price582.6%673.1%+71bp
FRANCE 271 3.0% 251 2.8% -26bp
Trading profit (in €m)H1 2011MarginH1 2012MarginChg. (organic)
Latin America1973.8%2654.2%+39bp
Other businesses8n/a5n/an/a
INTERNATIONAL 301 4.3%387 4.6% +35bp



Through the control of GPA and the signing of a letter of intent on Monoprix, the Casino Group will cross a strategic historical threshold in the second half. Its profile is now mostly exposed to fast-growth markets and to buoyant formats.

In France, in a very competitive backdrop, the Group will intensify its action plans during H2 2012. It will accelerate its leadership in non-food e-commerce through Cdiscount as well as the roll-out of the multi-channel. Expansion will continue in convenience formats, with ambitious objectives in all formats. Casino will seek to control its costs and reinforce its operating excellence. Action plans in hypermarkets are reinforced in food through ongoing promotions and in non-food by the proactive and accelerated reduction in surface areas and greater attractiveness of sites.

Internationally, where the Group operates on four, high-potential growth markets with a total population of more than 400 million, Casino will support the consolidation of its major subsidiaries’ leadership.

  • In Brazil, GPA is pursuing its rewarding strategy in a country with favourable prospects. The Group, a long-standing strategic partner of its subsidiary, will continue to support its development plan, which has proved successful. Casino has, meanwhile, reaffirmed its confidence in the company’s management team.
  • In Colombia, Exito continues to grow and to consolidate its leadership through 100 annual store openings focused on these high-potential convenience and discount formats. The company continues to develop its businesses complementary to retail which aim at strengthening its margin and continues to integrate the Disco and Devoto banners in Uruguay.
  • Big C in Thailand will continue to roll-out its fast-growth and profitable strategy that has proved successful. The sustained commercial momentum will be reinforced by expansion on small formats and through the dual model combining hypermarkets and shopping malls. Big C’s financial flexibility and development potential have been underpinned by the refinancing of its debt on attractive terms and by its successful capital increase via a private placement, which will help make it a major player in the region.
  • In Vietnam, Big C continues to expand on the basis of the dual model, with the opening of four hypermarkets will shopping malls and the new C Express convenience format undergoing testing.

As from the date of effective change in control, the Group’s stake in Mercialys will be accounted for under the equity method.

The Group reiterates its objectives for 2012:

  • Group sales growth above 10%
  • Stability in the Group’s food market share in France
  • Growth in the trading profit of FPLP
  • Maintain a Net Financial Debt/EBITDA ratio below 2.2x
  • Assets disposals and capital increases plan totalling €1.5 billion in 2012.

Agenda of coming releases:

Monday 15 October 2012: Q3 sales


Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel.:+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17


+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18


Thierry ORSONI – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78


Frédéric CROCCEL – Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 39

Image 7

Leslie JUNG – Tel.: +44 7818 641 803


This press release has been prepared for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities or related financial instruments. Similarly, it does not and should not be treated as giving investment advice. It has no connection with the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any receiver. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgments. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.


Main changes in the consolidation scope

  • Full consolidation of PRO and SARJEL within the Franprix-Leader Price group, effective 1 February 2011
  • Full consolidation of SODEME within the Franprix-Leader Price group, effective 15 April 2011
  • Full consolidation of DSO within the Franprix-Leader Price group, from 1 February to 31 August 2011
  • Full consolidation of BARAT within the Franprix-Leader Price group, effective 8 March 2012
  • GPA stake raised to 40.3% as at 30 June 2012 from 37.1% as at 30 June 2011.
  • During H1 2012, Mercialys was fully consolidated. In accordance with IFRS 5, Mercialys’ assets and liabilities have now been reclassified on the consolidated balance sheet under “Assets held for sale” and “Liabilities associated with assets held for sale”.
Exchange rates

Average exchange ratesQ1 2011Q1 2012% chg.H1 2011H1 2012% chg.Argentine (ARS/EUR)0.1820.176-3.6%0.1760.176-0.3%Uruguay (UYP/EUR)0.0370.039+4.8%0.0370.039+4.0%Thailand (THB/EUR)0.0240.025+2.8%0.0230.025+5.7%Vietnam (VND/EUR) (x1000)0.0370.037-0.1%0.0350.037+5.5%Colombia (COP/EUR) (x1000)0.3900.424+8.7%0.3880.430+10.8%Brazil (BRL/EUR)0.4390.432-1.6%0.4370.414-5.3%

Reconciliation of reported profit to underlying profit

Underlying profit corresponds to net profit from continuing operations adjusted for the impact of other operating income and expense (as defined in the “Significant Accounting Policies” section of the notes to the consolidated financial statements), non-recurring financial items and non-recurring income tax expense/benefits.

Non-recurring financial items include fair value adjustments to certain financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss whose market value may be highly volatile. For example, fair value adjustments to financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting and embedded derivatives indexed to the Casino share price are excluded from underlying profit.

Non-recurring income tax expense/benefits correspond to tax effects related directly to the above adjustments and to direct non-recurring tax effects. In other words, the tax on underlying profit before tax is calculated at the standard average tax rate paid by the Group. Underlying profit is a measure of the Group’s recurring profitability.

Casino 2013

in €mH1 2011AdjustmentsH1 2011
(underlying)H1 2012AdjustmentsH1 2012
(underlying)TRADING PROFIT 571571 638 638Other operating income and expense, net(125)1250(104)1040OPERATING PROFIT 446 125 571 551 104 638Finance costs, net(214)0(214)(222)0(222)Other financial income and expense,net(1) (9)11221(24)(3)Income tax expense (2) (52)(50)(102)(95)(31)(126)Share of profit of associates(4)0(4)(15)0(15)PROFIT (LOSS) ON CONTINUING
166 86 252 223 49 271of which minority interests(3) 32427498(5)93OF WHICH GROUP SHARE 134 44 178 125 53 178

 (1) The following are deducted from Other financial income and expenses: the impact of monetary discounting of tax liabilities in Brazil (-€10m in 2011 and -€7m in 2012), translation losses on Venezuelan state receivables in USD (-€30m in 2011 and €0m in 2012), as well as fair value changes of the Total Return Swap on Exito, GPA and Big C shares (+€29m in 2011 and +€32m in 2012).
(2) The following are deducted from tax charges: tax items corresponding to the items deducted above, as well as non-recurring income and charges.
(3) The following are deducted from minority interests: the amounts related to the items subtracted above.

Q2% chg. H1 % chg.
exchange rates
FRANCE 4,687.7 4,531.3 -3.3% -3.3% 9,102.2 9,026.4 -0.8% -0.8%
Of which:
Casino France3,009.52,940.7-2.3%-2.3%5,866.65,862.0-0.1%-0.1%
Géant Casino
Casino supermarkets907.8934.4+2.9%+2.9%1,742.61,799.5+3.3%+3.3%
Cdiscount & Other
Franprix – Leader Price1,184.61,095.9-7.5%-7.5%2,258.92,158.0-4.5%-4.5%
INTERNATIONAL 3,606.2 4,077.4 +13.1% +13.3% 7,041.5 8,321.5 +18.2% +17.5%
Of which:
Latin America2,680.23,031.4+13.1%+16.0%5,185.66,256.5+20.7%+21.4%
Other businesses214.8212.5-1.1%-1.5%425.1423.7-0.3%-0.7%
8,293.8 8,608.6 +3.8% +3.9% 16,143.7 17,347.9 +7.5% +7.1%


Store numbers at year-end: France
31 Dec. 201131 March 201230 June 2012
Géant Casino hypermarkets127126123
 Of which French affiliates888
    International affiliates555
+ service stations10110097
Casino supermarkets422425434
 Of which French Franchisees/Affiliates515154
   International Franchisee/Affiliates323535
+ service stations170169172
Franprix supermarkets897892897
 Of which Franchisee outlets379377384
Monoprix supermarkets514518523
 Of which Naturalia555860
 Of which Franchisee outlets/Affiliates130131131
Leader Price discounts608595599
 Of which Franchisee outlets271245256
Total supermarkets + discounts2,4412,4302,453
  Of which Franchisee outlets/Stores operated under business leases 863839860
Petit Casino superettes1,7581,7451,707
 Of which Franchisee outlets292826
Casino Shopping superettes6710
Casino Shop superettes161927
Eco Services superettes111
Coop Alsace superettes31
 Of which Franchisee outlets31
Spar superettes956955972
 Of which Franchisee outlets755743748
Vival superettes1,7521,6991,708
Of which Franchisee outlets1,7501,6971,706
Casitalia and C’Asia superettes111
Other franchise stores1,1341,1151,109
Corner, Relay, Shell, Elf, Carmag, etc.1,1341,1151,109
Wholesale activity937935935
TOTAL Convenience stores6,5616,4776,501
 Of which Franchisee outlets/Stores operated under business leases/wholesaling4,6064,5194,556
Other Affiliate stores262828
 Of which French Affiliates182019
 International Affiliates889
DIV Other businesses295297304
TOTAL France9,4509,3589,409
Hypermarkets (hypermarkets)127126123
Supermarkets (SM)1,8331,8351,854
Discount (DIS)608595599
Superettes + other stores6,5876,5056,529
Other (DIV)295297304
Store numbers at year-end: international
International31 Dec. 201131 March 201230 June 2012
Libertad hypermarkets151515
Other businesses999
Géant hypermarkets111
Disco supermarkets272727
Devoto supermarkets242424
Extra hypermarkets132133134
Pao de Açucar supermarkets159158159
Extra Perto supermarkets204204204
Assai discount stores596059
Extra Facil and Minimercado Extra superettes727169
DIV Casas Bahia544544547
DIV Ponto Frio401400403
Big C hypermarkets108108109
Big C supermarkets121415
Mini Big C superettes516275
DIV Pure505669
Big C hypermarkets181818
New Cho superettes555
C Express superettes001
Jumbo hypermarkets111111
Score/Jumbo supermarkets222222
Cash and Carry supermarkets555
Spar supermarkets888
DIV Other777
Exito hypermarkets808284
Pomona, Carulla, Exito supermarkets130131133
Surtimax discount stores788489
Exito Express and Carulla Express superettes546069
DIV Ley and Other998
Hypermarkets (HM)365368372
Supermarkets (SM)591593597
Discount (DIS)137144148
Superettes (SUP)182198219
Other (DIV)1,0201,0251,043
30 June 2012

Casino: successful bond issue of €650 million


Casino successfully issued a new 7-year bond of €650 million.

This operation, which strengthens the Group’s liquidity, is intended to refinance the nextdebt repayments of the Group. It extends the average maturity of Casino’s bond debt to 4.8 years today (vs. 4.6 years as of the end of June).

This new bond, which will pay a coupon of 3.157%, has been significantly oversubscribed by a diversified investor base. This coupon is the lowest ever achieved by the Group in a bond issue.

Casino is rated BBB- stable by Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings.


Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Citibank, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Natixis, RBS and Société Générale acted as joint bookrunners.


Régine GAGGIOLI – Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18