
29 April 2013

Success of two bond issues for a total amount of 600 million euros

Casino announces the success today of two bond issues, for a total consideration of 600 million euros: 350 million euros will be added to the existing bonds due 2019 and 250 million euros will be added to the existing bonds due 2023. Following this transaction, the nominal amount of these two bonds will increase to 1 billion euros each.

This transaction, which strengthens the Group’s liquidity, extends the average maturity of the Casino’s bond debt to 5.4 years (vs. 5.1 years as of the end of January 2013).

The cost of these financing are the lowest ever achieved by the Group: 1.990% for the bond maturing in 2019 resulting for the first time in a cost below 2% and 2.788% for the 2023 maturity.

These two bond issues were significantly oversubscribed by a diversified investor base.

Casino is rated BBB- stable by Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Deutsche Bank ad JP Morgan acted as joint bookrunners.

Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17


+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18




18 April 2013

First-quarter 2013 sales

  • Total Group first-quarter 2013 sales of €11.7 billion, up sharply by +33.7%
  • Solid organic growth* up+2.5% :
    • Internationally, organic growth* was very robust (+8.3%),driven by all of the Group’s markets
    • In France, sales fell due to the impact of a proactive price-cutting policy
    • Dynamism of Cdiscount
Evolution of the Group’s consolidated net sales in the 1st quarter of 2013
 Consolidated net salesQ1 2012Q1 2013 Change Q1 2013/Q1 2012
in €min €mTotal
Total continuing operations8,73911,681+33.7%+2.5%
International4,2447,366 +73.6% +8.3%


In the first quarter of 2013, the Group’s consolidated sales rose by +33.7%, primarily thanks to the full consolidation of GPA in Brazil. Organic growth* stood at +2.5% (+1.5% including petrol and calendar effect).The effect of changes in scope was +40.1%. Foreign-exchange rates had an impact of -7.9%, while the petrol effect was -0.5%. Finally, the average calendar effect was -1.2% in France and -0.1% internationally.

* Excluding petrol and calendar effect. Organic growth is growth at constant scope of consolidation and exchange rates

Q1 2013 SALES

In France, activity was marked by price drops, Cdiscount’s strong growth (+11.9%) and the resilience of convenience formats

In France, first-quarter organic growth was -3.4% excluding petrol and calendar effect, with total sales of €4,315 million against a backdrop of soft consumption in which Casino continued the price-cutting policy it initiated in Q4 2012.

  • Overall, convenience formats posted satisfactory sales growth.
  • Géant’s same-store sales fell by -9.7% excluding calendar effect (vs. -9.9% in Q4 2012) due to the combined effect of price-cutting initiatives, less promotional activity and reallocations of retail space.
  • In contrast, Cdiscount once again showed strong growth (+11.9%), which was higher than the market’s.

International organic growth remained strong (+8.3% excluding petrol and calendar effect) for all of the Group’s markets, in keeping with previous quarters

International subsidiaries posted another quarter of strong organic growth at +8.3% excluding petrol and calendar effect. Overall, international sales increased by +73.6% to €7,366 million, particularly due to the full consolidation of GPA as of the second half of 2012, despite the negative foreign exchange effect of -16.3%, primarily related to the real’s depreciation.

  • Latin America posted strong organic growth of +8.7% excluding petrol and calendar effect, up from Q4 2012 (+7.8%), driven by strong same-store growth in Brazil and dynamic expansion in Colombia.
  • Organic growth in Asia, excluding petrol and calendar effect, remained substantial at +8.5%, due to rapid expansion and sustained same-store growth in Thailand.

Total International sales accounted for 63% of Group sales over the period, compared with 49% in Q1 2012.



Sales in France came to €4,315 million in the first quarter of 2013, a decline of -3.4% in organic growth, excluding petrol and calendar effect.

Evolution in sales

In €m  Total growth Organic
growth*  Q1 2012 Q1 2013Q1 2013Q1 2013Net sales before tax – France4,495.14,314.7 -4%-3.4%Casino France 2,921.42,731.4-6.5%-4.7%Géant Casino hypermarkets1,271.11,122.3-11.7%-11.5%Casino supermarkets 865.1821.1-5.1%-3%Superettes353.6340.7-3.7%-2.6%Cdiscount & Other businesses431.5447.2+3.6%+6.4%Franprix – Leader Price1,0621,078.9+1.6%-2%Monoprix511.7504.5-1.4%+0.5%

* Excluding petrol and calendar effect


Evolution in same-store sales, excluding petrol
 In €mexcluding calendar effect
 Q1 2013 Q1 2013 Q4 2012
Géant Casino hypermarkets-10.2%-9.7%-9.9%
Casino supermarkets-8.3%-7.6%-6.1%
Leader Price-2.5%-0.5%-0.2%
  • Casino France

Same-store sales excluding petrol for Géant Casino were down -9.7%* in Q1 2013.

In a context of soft consumption for Q1 2013, same-store food sales were down ‑7.7%*. This change is primarily the result of the continuation during the first quarter of the year of the proactive price-cutting policy begun in Q4 2012, funded by improvements in operational efficiency and optimisation of promotional activity. In addition, the banner continued to roll out and expand its “Le Meilleur d’Ici” (“the Best of our region”) and entry-price corners, which are showing good results.

Same-store non-food sales fell due to the proactive reduction of Multimedia, price cutting and unfavourable weather conditions for seasonal products. Géant is continuing to refocus on the most buoyant categories as well as on rolling out its multichannel strategy by installing Cdiscount pick-up points in drive-through stores and Cdiscount corners in stores.

Organic sales growth for Supermarchés Casino excluding petrol and calendar effect declined by -3% compared to Q1 2012 and by -7.6%* for same-store sales, particularly due to continued price cuts initiated in Q4.

The banner has kept up its strategy of excellence in fresh goods and rollout of local products, as well as relaunching its loyalty programme in stores. One supermarket opened during the quarter.

sales declined by -2.6% on an organic basis excluding petrol and calendar effect. The banner successfully converted 31 of its stores to the Casino Shop and Shopping formats in the city of Lyon, and continued streamlining the stores network with 18 store openings and 78 closures.

sales rose by +11,9%, driven by the performance of toys and high-tech products (IT, household appliances, etc.). The private label’s share doubled compared to Q1 2012. Total business volume grew by +18% in Q1 2013, supported by the strong performance of the marketplace, which now accounts for more than 10% of the site’s business volume, with the number of vendors and offers increasing rapidly. Finally, 10% of site sales were made via smartphones or tablets at the end of Q1 2013.

Cdiscount remains a key tool in the Group’s multi-channel strategy, which drew on 2,700 in-store physical pick-up points at the end of the first quarter.

* Excluding calendar effect and restated for the transfer of 4 hypermarkets to Casino supermarkets.

  • Franprix – Leader Price

Total Franprix-Leader Price sales posted an increase of +1.6% due to the continued network expansion and the consolidation of master franchises.

Leader Price’s same-store sales decreased slightly by -0.5% excluding calendar effect. Sales initiatives begun in 2012 (assortment and pricing policy) continued to produce results in Q1 2013, with a value proposition that fits the current consumption climate. Fresh product selection produced excellent results and the banner continued to work on its fresh-product channels. Renovation of existing stores continued throughout the quarter.

Over the quarter, Franprix same-store sales fell by -1.7% excluding calendar effect, with footfall improving since Q4 2012 (-2.8%). The banner benefited from changes to its assortment (development of the “Marché Franprix” product line) and rolled out its loyalty programme in 170 stores.

  • Monoprix

Monoprix sales increased by +0.5% on an organic basis excluding petrol and calendar effect, due to its ongoing dynamic expansion and positive food sales trend, underpinned by the performance of fresh products and a still-favourable average basket. Among the various banners, Naturalia showed positive performance.

Non-food sales posted a decline related to the impact of unfavourable weather conditions on seasonal apparel sales.


Consolidated sales at International subsidiaries rose substantially by +73.6%.

effects had a positive impact of +81.5%, related to the full consolidation of GPA.

Exchange rates
had an unfavourable impact of -16.3%, resulting primarily from the Brazilian real’s sharp depreciation against the euro.

Once again, organic growth was very high at +8.3%*, in keeping with previous quarters, driven by solid performance in both Latin America and Asia.

Evolution of International sales growth in the 1st quarter of 2013

Total growthOrganic
growth*Latin America+94%+8.7%+5.4%Asia +10.8% +8.5% +2.3%

* Excluding petrol and calendar effect.

In Latin America, same-store sales grew by +5.4% excluding petrol and calendar effect, in keeping with previous quarters, reflecting GPA’s solid performance in Brazil. Organic growth was +8.7%*, increasing from Q4 2012 (+7.8%*), boosted by continued rapid expansion, particularly in Colombia. In all, sales rose +94% primarily under the impact of the full consolidation of GPA.

  • GPA in Brazil

In Brazil, GPA posted same-store sales excluding petrol effect up +7.1%, increasing from Q4 2012 (+6.6%).

As for food, same-store sales by GPA Food rose by +6.9%. They were driven by excellent performance by the Assaí cash & carry banner, which continued to show impressive double-digit growth due to an overhaul of its product selection. Excluding Assaí, GPA Food posted very strong performance, particularly in the Minimercado convenience format. Expansion in these two formats was marked in Q1 2013 with the opening of 12 Minimercados and 3 Assaí stores.

As for non-food, Viavarejo same-store sales continued to grow quickly at +7.3%, driven by significant sales initiatives and the very strong performance by electronics. E-commerce also performed well at the end of the period: launched its marketplace. Expansion continued in the first quarter.

  • Exito Group

Exito’s total sales grew above retail sales growth in the first quarter due to the impact of sustained organic growth that particularly benefited from the rapid expansion of the stores network and from the good performance of Surtimax, leader in the discount format. In the first quarter, Exito continued the reinforcement of its private labels in its assortments and the development of complementary businesses to retail. Exito’s expansion in the first quarter was sustained.

Exito’s Q1 earnings will be released at the end of April 2013.

In Asia, same-store growth excluding calendar effect totalled +2.3%. Organic growth in sales excluding calendar effect maintained a high level of +8.5%. Total sales grew +10.8%.

  • Big C Thailand

Big C posted organic sales growth excluding calendar effect of +9,2%, boosted by a very dynamic expansion policy and a healthy level of same-store sales (+2,4%).Significant marketing and promotional operations were realised over the quarter. Convenience banners performed particularly well.

  • Big C Vietnam

Big C Vietnam’s organic growth continued, due in particular to the impact of the openings of a hypermarket and shopping mall.


Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel:+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18

Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78
Mob: +33 (0)6 08 54 28 75

Grégoire LUCAS
Tel: +33 (0)6 71 60 02 02


Financial calendar
22 April 2013 Annual General Meeting

This press release was prepared solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments. Similarly, it does not and should not be treated as giving investment advice. It has no connection with the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any receiver. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgement. Any opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.



Main changes in the scope of consolidation

  • Full consolidation of GPA since 2 July 2012. GPA was consolidated at 40.1% as of end of March 2012
  • Full consolidation of companies owning 21 stores into Franprix-Leader Price from July 2012
  • Full consolidation of BARAT within Franprix-Leader Price from 8 March 2012 (22 stores)
  • Full consolidation of DSO and CAFIGE within Franprix-Leader Price from 1 February 2013 (120 stores)
Changes un the scope of consolidation

in €mQ1 2012Q1 2013ChangeChange €m €m Reported

At constant

exchange rates

FRANCE4,495.14,314.7-4%-4%Of which:    Casino France2,921.42,731.4-6.5%-6.5%Géant Casino hypermarkets1,271.11,122.3-11.7%- 11.7%Casino supermarkets865.1821.1-5.1%-5.1%Superettes353.6340.7-3.7%-3.7%Other businesses431.5447.2+3.6%+3.6%Franprix – Leader Price1,062 1,078.9+1.6%+1.6%Monoprix511.7504.5-1.4%-1.4%INTERNATIONAL 4,2447,366+73.6%+89.9%Of which:    Latin America3,225.16,257.4+94%+116.2%Asia 808 895.610.8%+7.9%Other sectors211.1213.5+1.1%+1.5%NET SALES FROM CONTINUING

Exchange rates
Average exchange ratesQ1 2012 Q1 2013Change
Argentina (ARS / EUR) 0.1757 0.1511 -14%
Uruguay (UYP / EUR)0.03910.0395+0.9%
Thailand (THB / EUR)0.02460.0254+3.3%
Vietnam (VND / EUR) (x 1,000)0.03670.0364-0.8%
Colombia (COP/EUR) (x 1,000)0.42360.4228-0.2%
Brazil (BRL / EUR)0.43170.3796-12.1%
Period-end store network: France
FRANCE31 March 201231 Dec. 201231 March 2013
Géant Casino hypermarkets126 125 126
 Of which French Affiliates899
  International Affiliates 567
+ service stations1009797
Casino supermarkets 425445446
 Of which French Affiliates515861
 International Franchise  Affiliates 354139
+ service stations169173173
Franprix supermarkets892 891 875
  Of which Franchise outlets377390347
Monoprix supermarkets 518 542 555
 Of which Naturalia587174
 Of which Franchise outlets/Affiliates131137143
Leader Price discount stores 595 604 600
 Of which Franchise outlets245231149
Total supermarkets and discount stores 2,430 2,482 2,476
 Of which Franchise outlets/Stores operated under business leases 839857739
Petit Casino superettes 1,745 1,575 1,500
 Of which Franchise outlets 282626
Casino Shopping superettes 11 13
Casino Shop superettes19 77 112
 Of which Franchise outlets 1
Eco Services superettes 1
Coop Alsace superettes  144 144
 Of which Franchise outlets 144144
Spar superettes955 963 956
 Of which Franchise outlets 743739735
Vival superettes 1,699 1,705 1,698
Of which Franchise outlets 1,6971,7041,697
Casitalia and C’Asia superettes 1
Other Franchise stores 1,115 1,105 1,098
 Corner, Relay, Shell, Elf, Carmag…1,1151,1051,098
Wholesale activity 935 935 934
 Of which Franchise     outlets/Storesoperated under business leases/Wholesale  4,519 4,654 4,635
Other Affiliate stores 2829 29
 Of which French Affiliates202020
 International Affiliates899
Other businesses 297 304 301
 Cafeterias 295302299
 Cdiscount 222
TOTAL France 9,358 9,457 9,389
Hypermarkets (HM)126125126
Supermarkets (SM)1,8351,8781,876
Discount (DIS)595604600
Superettes (SUP) and other stores (MAG)6,5056,5466,486
Other (DIV)297304301
Period-end store network: International
International31 March 201231 Dec. 201231 March 2013
ARGENTINA 24 24 20
Libertad hypermarkets151515
Other businesses995
URUGUAY 52 52 52
Géant hypermarkets111
Disco supermarkets272727
Devoto supermarkets242424
BRAZIL 1,570 1,640 1,661
Extra hypermarkets133138138
Pao de Açucar supermarkets158162163
Extra supermarkets204207209
Assai discount stores606164
Minimercado Extra superettes71107119
Casas Bahia discount stores544568572
Ponto Frio400397396
THAILAND 240 348 386
Big C hypermarkets108113114
Big C supermarkets141819
Mini Big C superettes62126158
VIETNAM 23 33 32
Big C hypermarkets182122
Jumbo hypermarkets111111
Score/Jumbo supermarkets222525
Cash and Carry supermarkets555
Spar supermarkets866
Other businesses71010
COLOMBIA 366 427 454
Exito hypermarkets828788
Pomona, Carulla, Exito supermarkets131136134
Surtimax discount stores84119144
Exito Express and Carulla Express superettes607781
Ley and others987
TOTAL INTERNATIONAL 2,328 2,581 2,662
Hypermarkets (HM)368386389
Supermarkets (SM)593610612
Discount (DIS)144180208
Superettes (SUP)198323370
Other (DIV)1,0251,0821,083

5 April 2013

Pursuance of the Monoprix share acquisition process

Casino exercised today its right to have a subsidiary of Crédit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank temporarily hold the 50% stake in Monoprix, previously owned by Galeries Lafayette, in accordance with the terms of the transaction agreement signed on July, 26th 2012.

The sale by Galeries Lafayette was completed, as previously disclosed, at a price of € 1 175 Million, funded by Casino.

This temporary holding arrangement* will be in place until the examination of the case by the French Competition Authority is completed, which is expected over the course of the summer. Once the decision is obtained, Casino will be in a position to complete the acquisition of the shares.

*In compliance with the merger control regulatory framework

Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18


Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78
Mob: +33 (0)6 08 54 28 75

Grégoire LUCAS
Tel : +33 (0)1 53 70 74 95
Mob: +33 (0)6 71 60 02 02


21 March 2013

Jean-Charles NAOURI voted 2012 “Best CEO” in the European Food Retailing Sector

For the second year in a row, Jean-Charles Naouri has been voted “Best CEO” in the European food retailing sector, according to the prestigious annual ranking of executive teams just published by Institutional Investor, one of the world’s foremost financial publications.

Antoine Giscard d’Estaing, Corporate Finance Director, and Régine Gaggioli, Corporate Financial Communication Director, were also honoured in the ranking, taking first place in respectively the “Best CFO” and “Best Investor Relations Professional” categories.

For the first time, the magazine also ranked Casino Group among the “Most Honored Companies” in Europe, regardless of sector, thereby celebrating the hard work and dedication of all of the Group’s employees in 2012.

The rankings were based on a late-2012 survey of nearly 3,000 portfolio managers and financial analysts across Europe, who were asked to name the best executives in each of the 36 survey sectors.

Press Contacts

Group External Communications Department:
Aziza Bouster
+33 1 53 65 24 78 / +33 6 08 54 28 75

Image 7:
Grégoire Lucas
+33 1 53 70 74 94 / +33 6 71 60 02 02

13 March 2013

The notification process to the French Competition Authority of the taking over of the exclusive control of Monoprix by Casino continues

Casino formally notified to the French Competition Authority the taking over of the exclusive control of Monoprix on 7 January 2013. The first phase of the casereview process was initiated on 6 February 2013, when the French Competition Authority declared the documentation complete.

As expected, the French Competition Authority stated, at the end of the first phase of review on 12 March 2013, that the case required a thorough examination, called phase 2, which will allow Casino to put forward all its arguments to the French Competition Authority.

Groupe Casino notes the intention of the French Competition Authority totake the opportunity of phase 2 to estimate the competitive pressure exerted on the stores located in Paris by other food retail channels as well as by the hypermarkets in the near suburbs.

The opening of the phase 2 is a required step to the taking over of the exclusive control of Monoprix by Casino. This phase should take a few months, within the mandatory regulatory timeframe, and the decision of the French Competition Authority should be obtained, as previously disclosed, in the summer.

Régine GAGGIOLI – Tél :+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18

Tél : +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78
Mob : +33 (0)6 08 54 28 75

Grégoire LUCAS
Tél : +33 (0)6 71 60 02 02


6 March 2013

Release of the 2012 consolidated financial statements

The Casino group releases its 2012 consolidated financial statements. They are available on the Group’s website : (PDF, french, 2,67 Mo)

The English version of these consolidated financial statements will be available next week. This release does not constitute an Annual Financial Report. The Casino, Guichard-Perrachon 2012 Registration Document will be released to the AMF at the end of March.


21 February 2013

2012 Results

  • Very strong Group sales growth, + 22.1%
  • Continued sustained organic growth internationally, + 8.5%
  • Sales almost stable in France, 0.8%
  • Trading Profit + 29.3%
  • Net profit from continuing operations, Group share, up +84.4% at €1,065m
  • Net underlying profit, Group share, at €564m
  • Net debt/EBITDA ratio fell to 1.91x
  • Recommended dividend of €3

Jean-Charles Naouri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Casino Group, stated:
The Group underwent some major transformations in 2012, notably with the control of GPA in Brazil and the agreement with Galeries Lafayette on the acquisition of 50% of Monoprix, hence strengthening its profile on international businesses and buoyant formats. For the first time, it has generated operating income in excess of €2 billion. In 2013, confident in the growth of its activity and results, Casino will pursue its strategy of back-to-basics in France and organic growth internationally, while working to maintain its financial structure.
The 2012 consolidated financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 20 February 2013. The Statutory Auditors have completed their audit and are in the process of issuing their report.



Continuing operations
SALES 34,361 41,971 +22.1%
EBITDA margin6.7%6.8%+14bp
Trading profit1,5482,002+29.3%
Trading margin4.5%4.8%+26bp
Net profit, Group share5771,065+84.4%
Net underlying profit, Group share565564
Net financial debt5,3795,451
Net financial debt/EBITDA2.35x1.91x

* Organic growth excluding petrol and calendar effect

The Group recorded sound organic growth in 2012, up 4% excluding petrol and calendar effect, driven by a continuously buoyant environment abroad and in a backdrop of soft consumption in France.
Trading profit grew by 29.3%, driven by the GPA control and organic growth internationally.
Thanks to the full consolidation of GPA starting in H2, international operations increased their contribution to Group’s sales and trading profit to 56% and 66% respectively (versus 45% and 52% in 2011).


In France, sales were resilient in a context of soft consumption. Buoyant convenience and discount formats performance, which represent 64% of Group sales in France (excluding petrol effect), was satisfactory, while Géant’s sales were impacted by reductions in non-food retail space and price cuts initiated at the end of Q3. Cdiscount had another year of very robust growth, up 16.3%. Full-year organic growth, excluding petrol and calendar effect, declined by 0.8%.
Trading profit declined by 8.6%, with the trading margin remaining resilient thanks to the format mix, coming out to 3.7%, a 28bp drop.
In 2012, Géant Casino’s sales fell by 7.7% on an organic basis, excluding petrol and calendar effect. In food, Géant realigned its price indices for entry-price and private-label products at the end of Q3. Non-food business was down due to the sharp reduction in non-food shelf displays in 2012. The multi-channel approach was rolled out to stores. Total same-store non-food sales (Géant + Cdiscount) slightly increased over the year to €2.3bn (up 0.6%).
Casino Supermarchés sales growth (up 1.8% on an organic basis excluding petrol and calendar effect) was satisfactory. Price indices were repositioned in entry-price and private-label products. Roll-out of “Le Meilleur d’ici” (local products) continued.

Superettes’ sales were almost stable vs. 2011 (down 0.6% on an organic basis excluding petrol and calendar effect). A common assortment around Casino private-label products was implemented. The number of Cdiscount pick-up points increased sharply over the year. Expansion continued with the opening of 422 stores, including 144 “Coop d’Alsace” stores that joined the network.

Other businesses (Cdiscount, Mercialys and Casino Restauration) maintained buoyant sales growth (up 10.6% on an organic basis), driven by Cdiscount’s very strong momentum (up 16.3%). Cdiscount’s total business volume increased by 22% over the year, including the marketplace (10% of the site’s business volume at the end of December). The multi-channel strategy continued to be rolled out, with 3,000 physical pick-up points deployed. Finally, sales through mobile apps accounted for 8% of sales at the end of the year.

Casino France’s operating margin was 3.3%, down 41bp.

Leader Price’s sales declined by 0.8% on an organic basis (excluding calendar effect). The banner confirmed its turnaround in 2012 with repositioned price indices. The new Leader Price products, with which Jean-Pierre Coffe (famous French gourmet icon) was heavily involved, were a success. Finally, store renovations continued. 18 stores were opened in 2012. Thanks to stores network optimisation and costs reduction, the banner’s profitability increased over 2012.
Franprix’s performance stabilised in 2012 (sales fell by 1% on an organic basis, excluding calendar effect). Private-label products were relaunched in stores, with more Leader Price products under €1. Targeted price cuts also contributed to the banner’s solid performance. The stores network continued to be upgraded and 39 stores opened in 2012.
Franprix-Leader Price’s operating margin was 3.8%, up 8bp compared to 2011.

Monoprix’s sales were well oriented, growing by 1.7% on an organic basis excluding petrol and calendar effect, thanks to strong performance by food sales, growth in textile that was superior to the market over the full year, and continuing expansion on all formats.
Monoprix’s operating margin was still high at 6.1% thanks to the quality of mix (food, perfume, textile, home equipment).


International businesses experienced very strong growth (50.7%) this year, driven by the full consolidation of GPA starting in H2, as well as by highly satisfactory organic growth of 8.5%. Trading profit increased by 64.9%

  • Latin American sales rose by 8.8% on an organic basis.
    • In Brazil, GPA maintained its excellent performance in 2012, with high organic growth in food sales, driven by the performance of Assaí and the new Minimercado convenience concept, whose expansion continued at a sustained pace. In non-food, Viavarejo’s same-store sales growth was sustained (7.5%*) and its operating margin improved. GPA’s EBITDA stood at 7.2%.
    • In Colombia and in Uruguay, Exito Group had an excellent 2012 year, with sales up sharply by 18.3%, with a marked strengthening of Exito’s market share in Colombia. Rapid expansion was focused on discount and convenience formats. The EBITDA margin rose by 8.4%*, sustained by reduced operating costs. Finally, Exito’s best practices were gradually rolled out to Uruguay, whose performance was excellent in 2012.

* Based on reported company data

  • Asia posted strong growth (+10.8%) in sales on an organic basis, thanks to excellent performance in both Thailand and Vietnam, where Big C continues to establish a leading position. The operating margin, still very high, stood at 7.1%.
    • In Thailand, Big C’s sales climbed by 16.1%, demonstrating excellent performance. Sales growth on an organic basis rose sharply (9.3%*) despite the aftermath of the floods, driven notably by the success of innovative sales initiatives and the development of the loyalty card, as well as by sustained expansion, particularly in small formats and shopping centres. The EBITDA margin was very high at 11.1%*. Finally, the financial structure was strengthened by debt refinancing and the success of private placement.
    • In Vietnam, organic growth was very high, despite the backdrop of economic slowdown. The dual expansion model was maintained in 2012, with three hypermarkets and three adjacent shopping malls opened.


In 2012, Casino engaged on a €1.5bn asset disposal and capital increase plan, of which €1.45bn was achieved in 2012:

  • Mercialys operation: exceptional distribution and TRS settlement: €0.7bn
  • Successful payment of dividends in shares: €0.1bn
  • Capital increase and shares disposal: €0.4bn
  • Disposal of financial and real-estate assets: €0.2bn

A second exceptional interim dividend is planned by Mercialys in H1 2013.
These disposals do not include the €0.5bn Mercialys assets disposals or assets under firm offer.

Net financial debt totalled €5.451 billion. The Net Financial Debt/EBITDA ratio therefore stood at 1.91x at the end of 2012, in accordance with our target of less than 2.2x. The Casino Group is rated BBB- Outlook Stable by S&P and Fitch Ratings.
At the Annual General Meeting on 22 April 2013, Casino will recommend a dividend of €3 per share. The dividend will be paid on 29 April 2013, with an ex-dividend date on 24 April 2013.

* Based on reported company data


  • Internationally: growth
    • Growth should continue in 2013, sustained by the emergence of numerous middle classes whose purchasing power is growing
    • The Group banners, which benefit from a very good price image and are very active in their expansion policy on buoyant formats and commercial real estate, should then see a continued increase in activity and results
  • France: stabilising or reviving retail
    • Price cuts, notably in hypermarkets
    • Costs reduction
    • Expansion in key formats
  • For 2013 therefore, the Group is targeting:
    • Strong growth in reported sales
    • Organic sales and trading profit growth
    • Solid financial structure with a Net Financial Debt / EBITDA below 2x.

Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel:+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18

Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78
Mob: +33 (0)6 08 54 28 75

Grégoire LUCAS
Tel: +33 (0)6 71 60 02 02



Continuing operations
(€m)20112012ChangeOrganic growth
of which France18,74818,447-1.6%-0.8%
of which International15,61323,524+50.7%+8.5%
EBITDA(2) 2,2872,853+24.7%+2.8%
of which France1,1641,062-8.7%
of which International1,1231,791+59.4%
Trading profit1,5482,002+29.3%+3%
of which France750685-8.6%
of which International7981,316+64.9%
Other operating income and expense(157)377
Operating profit1,3912,379+71.0%
Finance costs, net(472)(519)-9.9%
Other financial income and expense6820-70.7%
Income tax expense(228)(323)-41.7%
Share of profits of associates(7)(21)
Net profit from continuing operations, Group share5771,065+84.4%
Net profit from discontinued operations, Group share(9)(2)
Net profit, Group share5681,062+87.1%

(1) Based on a comparable scope of consolidation and constant exchange rates, excluding the impact of asset disposals

(2) EBITDA: Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation

(3) See details in appendix

Financial calendar

Thursday, 18 April 2013 (after the close of trading): 2013 first quarter sales
Monday, 22 April 2013 Annual General Meeting

This press release was prepared solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or related financial instruments. Similarly, it does not and should not be treated as giving investment advice. It has no connection with the specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any receiver. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgement. Any opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.


simplified 2012 balance sheet
in €m20112012
Non-current assets18,77026,823
Current assets11,00215,990
TOTAL ASSETS 29,772 42,813
Non-current financial liabilities6,4239,394
Other non-current liabilities1,4953,028
Current liabilities12,47215,190


Net underlying profit corresponds to net profit from continuing operations adjusted for the impact of other operating income and expense (as defined in the “Significant Accounting Policies” section of the notes to the annual consolidated financial statements), non-recurring financial items and non-recurring income tax expense/benefits.
Non-recurring financial items include fair value adjustments to certain financial instruments at fair value whose market value may be highly volatile. For example, fair value adjustments to financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting and embedded derivatives indexed to the Casino share price are excluded from net underlying profit.
Non-recurring income tax expense/benefits correspond to tax effects related directly to the above adjustments and to direct non-recurring tax effects. In other words, the tax on underlying profit before tax is calculated at the standard average tax rate paid by the Group
Underlying profit is a measure of the Group’s recurring profitability.

Underlying profits
in € millions2011Adjustments2011
TRADING PROFIT 1,548 1,548 2,002 2,002
Other operating income and
OPERATING PROFIT 1,391 157 1,548 2,379 (377) 2,002
Finance costs, net(472)0(472)(519)0(519)
Other financial income and
Income tax expense(2) (228)(105)(333)(323)(155)(478)
Share of profit of associates(7)0(7)(21)0(21)
751 (5) 747 1,535 (556) 979
Attributable to minority interests(3)1747182470(55)415
GROUP SHARE 577 (12) 565 1,065 (501) 564 

(1) Other financial income and expense is stated before discounting deferred tax liabilities in Brazil (-€22m in 2011 and -€22m in 2012), exchange losses on receivables on the state of Venezuela in USD (-€25m in 2011 and -€2m in 2012), fair value adjustments from financial instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting (+€87m in 2011 and n/a in 2012), and fair value adjustments from Total Return Swaps related to shares in Exito, GPA, Big C and Mercialys (+€17m in 2011 for Exito alone and +€48m in 2012)

(2) Income tax expense is stated before the tax effect of the above adjustments and non-recurring income tax expense/benefits

(3) Minority interests are stated before the above adjustments

19 February 2013

Evolution in Exito Group Management (Colombia)

 Paris, 19 February 2013

Gonzalo Restrepo Lopez (62), Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Exito for 22 years, announced today at Exito’s Board of Directors meeting, his decision to step down from his position in order to dedicate himself to his family, personal projects and to the economic and social development of Colombia.

In accordance to the transition process planned and organised in close coordination with Gonzalo Restrepo, the Board of Directors promoted Carlos Mario Giraldo Moreno, currently Chief Operating Officer of Exito, to the position of Chief Executive Officer.

Gonzalo Restrepo will continue to provide his talent and expertise to Exito and to Group Casino as an advisor. He will also be appointed President to the Casino Foundation, while remaining President of the Exito foundation.

Casino Group would like to express to Mr. Restrepo its very sincere gratefulness for his outstanding contribution to the development of Exito which, under his leadership, has become the leader in the food retail industry in Colombia and one of the most dynamic companies in the region.

The appointment of Carlos Mario Giraldo Moreno will become effective after Exito’s Shareholders Meeting to be held on March 19th.

Since he joined Exito in 2008 and through a close collaboration with Gonzalo Restrepo, Carlos Mario Giraldo played a central role in the development of the Group. He acquired an experience of more than 18 years in the consumer and retail industry.

Prior to joining Exito as Chief Operating Officer in 2008, Carlos Mario Giraldo acquired more than 18 years’ experience in the consumer and retail industry. He was Chief Executive Officer of Noel Food Industries and then Chief Executive Officer of Noel Biscuit Company for 10 years. He was also chairman of the board for the National Business Association of Colombia (ANDI) between 2003 and 2004. Currently he is the chairman of the board for the Coca Cola retail council for Latin America. Carlos Mario Giraldo has a law degree from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and a master in law from Tulane University. He also studied strategic planning management in retailing at Babson College as well as management and marketing at Kellogg and Stanford. Carlos Mario Giraldo is a Colombian national.

Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel:+33 (0)1 53 65 64 17
+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18


Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 24 78
Mob: +33 (0)6 08 54 28 75

18 January 2013

Successful 10-year bond issue of €750 million

Casino successfully issued a new 10-year bond of €750 million.

This operation, which strengthens the Group’s liquidity, is intended to refinance the next debt repayments of the Group. It extends the average maturity of Casino’s bond debt to 5.1 years today (vs. 4.5 years as of the end of December 2012).

This new bond, which will pay a coupon of 3.311%, has been significantly oversubscribed by a diversified investor base.

Casino is rated BBB- stable by Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Credit Suisse, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International, RBS and Société Générale acted as joint bookrunners.



Régine GAGGIOLI – Tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 64 17


+33 (0)1 53 65 64 18