
12 April 2021

Casino Group actively studies potential market operations for Cdiscount and GreenYellow subsidiaries

31 March 2021

Success of the Casino Group refinancing transaction for an amount of €1.525 billion

29 March 2021

Casino Group is launching a new senior unsecured bond maturing in April 2027

22 March 2021

Casino Group takes another step in the refinancing of its debt

25 February 2021

2020 Full-year results

19 February 2021

Casino Group announces the approval for the listing of Assaí

18 January 2021

Cdiscount launches a new strategic activity for businesses to accelerate European e-commerce

21 December 2020

Success of the tender offer on bonds maturing until 2025

16 December 2020

Success of the new Casino 2026 unsecured bond and Term Loan B tap