
27 July 2021

BNP Paribas, Casino Group and Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale sign an exclusivity agreement for the sale of FLOA to BNP Paribas by Casino Group and Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, and to set up a strategic partnership between BNP Paribas and Casino Group

19 July 2021

Casino Group extends the maturity of its syndicated credit facility and improves its financial conditions

8 July 2021

RelevanC teams up with Google Cloud to develop its marketing tech solutions

6 July 2021

Casino Group Partners With Accenture and Google Cloud to Accelerate its Digital Strategy

3 June 2021

Amazon and Casino Group strengthen their partnership in France and announce the deployment of a new service with Casino stores

15 May 2021

GreenYellow explores the possibility of an IPO to finance its growth ambitions

6 May 2021

First quarter 2021 sales

15 April 2021

Intermarché and Casino Group forge a partnership in purchasing for leading brand products, and in digital

15 April 2021

Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever announce that they will not renew their cooperation in 2022 put in place through the structures Horizon France and Horizon International services