Press - Casino Group

19 May 2023

Composition of the Board of Administration

16 May 2023

Extension of the solicitation period for certain creditors and bondholders of the Casino Group regarding the possibility of initiating conciliation proceedings

10 May 2023

Casino General Meeting of 10 May 2023: Summary report and Casino Group reaction to market rumors

4 May 2023

First quarter 2023 net sales

24 April 2023

Proposal by EP Global Commerce a.s. for capital increases for an aggregate amount of EUR 1.1 billion

24 April 2023

Groupement Les Mousquetaires, TERACT and Casino Group are in exclusive discussions to further develop their industrial and purchasing partnerships and optimise their respective networks

5 April 2023

Appointment of Magali Daubinet-Salen as Chief Executive Officer of Casino Banners

31 March 2023

Successful tender offer for the Quatrim notes maturing in January 2024

10 March 2023

2022 Full-year results